Bridge To My Circumstance

"Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open."

"I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell. "
"Why not? "
"He's too busy making all this!"

"You have to believe it and you hate it. I don't have to believe it and I love it!"

The quotes above are taken from the movie "Bridge to Terabithia." I sat down to watch it this weekend and was totally enthralled from the beginning only to have my heart ripped out at the end, and we won’t even mention me crying like my best friend just died. Infact, they should change the name to “Bridge to Tear-Your- Heart- Out”! Anyway, like I do with most simple things in life, I looked for the deeper meaning of this movie. (ha! I know...I am one of a kind!) This movie was only half of what I expected but in a good way. The quotes above are probably my most favorite from the film. "Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open." Hmmm, reminds me of the Bible verse "We walk by faith not by sight."(2 Cor. 5:7) If only, I could wake up every morning and go about my day with eyes closed, only allowing my heart to see. Then I would not see my circumstances and periodically fall into the rut of "not being good enough" but I would see Him and His patient love for me. I would not get so agitated with people, bad drivers, or life. I would see what He wants me to see and see that because of Him I am good enough. I would only be concerned with His matters...matters for His Glory. I would see that my agitation can be turned into His patient love. I would be able to “speak softly against the wrath.“ I have to grasp the concept of that childlike faith that my Father so desperately wants. I have to be able to throw logic and reasoning out of the window for Him. I have to be a “fool for You.” I don’t doubt that I am saved and that You love me, while everyday I am in awe that You DO love me and are fond of me, those are not my battles. My battles are more closely connected with my current circumstances. In light of other things you have in my family’s “melting pot”, these things do not matter. I do not know why or begin to understand Your reasoning behind my status but by your grace, I am in a place that I am learning to see my circumstances through Your eyes. I am tired of life’s pity party that I am a single, barren woman who doesn’t have the means to solely support herself. I am tired of looking around at my friends who are not barren and single and being saddened. Your grace and mercy have been patient with my soul and I now see. You have called me to this for some reason. The ones in my life are here for a reason. I am where I am because You have a purpose and that is what concerns my heart. If I die a single and barren woman, because others have come to know you, then so be it. My selfish heart will be saddened but ultimately rejoice in the fact that You have gathered more of Your flock. You paid the ultimate sacrifice so that I might live and yet what is life without You. So, I lay my Isaac down, and my Isaac being my life, desires that are in my heart, and promises given. I lay them all down so that I might enjoy this single and barren land…because I am ok with that. I am not alone and I have my Best Friend with me. Thank you, for choosing me for whatever you have in my path ahead.


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