Candid Camera ??

Ok, dearies, I found this journal entry today and while it’s a few of months old, I really just wonder do these things happen to other people. And I am beginning to wonder if candid camera is following me around to see how much I can take of odd life experiences. Nonetheless, I LOVE my life…and its moments like these that make it all the more enjoyable.

So, I am at lunch and I run to dollar tree to pick up a birthday card for a coworker, while looking over the surprisingly good selection of cards that are 2 for a dollar, this lady comes up to me. I do not know why these people find me; maybe I look like the most naïve person in the store. She is holding a set of 4 red Christmas Jingle Bells and she starts mumbling something but all I hear are flower girl and wedding. At this point, I say “now, ma’am what is it you are using these for?” and she says “I’m getting married soon, and my flower girl is going to shake the bells and yell THE BRIDE IS COMING!!! Do you think these will work?” I stood frozen, that me of all people was about to commit one of the biggest wedding planning crimes and NOT tell her what a terrible idea this was. I wanted to make sure I heard her right, so I repeated, “You want your flower girl to shake these in your wedding and yell?” She nodded in agreement and said “Do you think I need another set of four?” dumbfounded, I replied “I think if you want the loud bell noise that would be best.” She then said “Should I just get some yarn or string to tie them together??” I said “Well. I think maybe floral wire might be a little better attached to something.” She thanked me for my help and went on her way. I tried not to crack a smile, while my mind was RACING with thoughts, and I moved to another section of the store just browsing. I kept thinking about the etiquette crime I had just committed and how Emily Post would slap my hand, and this made me laugh. I turned around and Oh my tacky bride had found me again. This time she carried in her hand shiny red bell garland. (I know, it just keeps getting better!) She said “Ma’am, what do you think about this?” and I said “well, they do not have anything in the middle so they won’t make any noise and its garland…..” She started shaking the bag as if to prove me wrong…then she stopped and said “You’re right. It’s the plastic I hear.” I politely smiled and in my head I thought “You are so precious in God’s eyes.” She then thanked me and informed me that she would use the original red Christmas jingle bells to commit such an atrocity. I then decided my work there was done, I needed to leave soon before I was asked to yell with her flower girl in her wedding.

And that my friend’s is just one moment of many that make me smile.


TracyBlalock said…
I'm about to wet my pants. I have never laughed so hard. I'm surprised you can't hear me back there in your office. It has got be the Dollar General, um, let's say East of here. Am I right? lol
Lori Belgard said…
I seriously just laughed out loud at work reading this. I think my coworkers might think I'm nuts now but that story was hilarious!!
Jodi said…
If I was sitting in a pew, and all of a sudden heard some cow bell sounding jingling and then heard a child cry "the bride is coming"...kinda makes you think how the bride looks...or acts. Is the flowergirl warning us?

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