Adventure in His Hands

If you have looked anywhere on my facebook this week you will see two new albums full of adventures from a 60 hour road trip that was 1200 miles full of adventure and a beautiful wedding for my close friend Drew. It was a pleasure to be a part of such a milestone in his life and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!

The drive was long and tiring but I believe that in everything an adventure is to be had. Adventure was definitely had but there were also some sweet quiet moments within my being. Driving home Sunday in all the beauty of Tennessee, thru the tornado damage of Mississippi, and onto the flat farmlands of Louisiana, I had a “bring-me-to-my-knees in awe of The Creator” kinda moment when that still small voice said "Not one of these flowers are here by chance....not one of those trees are snapped in half by chance....all of this You see....All of this you in MY HANDS...yes even the leaves and the flowers...I have ordained them all in their place for such a time as this" I was reminded of the old hymn “His eye is on the sparrow” and from there my heart went. If God has ordained each being in nature for such a time as this, then how much more has He ordained the beings in my life and not in my life right now? “For such a time as this…” as it’s stated in Esther 4; for such a time is this that I am where I am. A place where I have peace when circumstances and outcomes and logic does not seem to fit; a place where a best friend is no longer but restoration is in His hands; a place where I can only focus on my relationship with Him and no one else; a place where I see that it truly is ALL about Him. It’s not about an end result or about an event or a birth, but it’s about this right now and learning who God is and who He is in my life.

You might think I am being Pollyanna, maybe I am, but this I know; Life is full of processes and heartaches and joys; but there’s not ONE of those heartaches or joys that He doesn’t feel with you. Not one tear is cried without Him there to catch it. There’s not one process that He brings you to, or one storm of life that happens that He is not there in the midst. I may not know the outcome of my life or understand this road that I am on. I may pray for a wedding and babies because of a God-given desire as I watch all of my friends experience such. I may not understand His ways; but I know that His ways are higher than my ways and I know that ultimately He’s got all of this….all of this that you and I live in His hands. Everything we go through is for our growth in Him, for Him to lavish His love on us and consume us in His grace and mercy.

“Do not be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.” –Exodus 14:13


Amanda T. said…
Thanks for this Faith! There's so many changes going on at work - and some aren't good changes - that sometimes I question why is this happening. Although I don't understand or agree with these changes, I have to believe God is in control. Your blog reminds me of this. Your blogs always make me think and appreciate God and his blessings even more. Love you chickadee!
Amanda T said…
The previous comment is from me, Faith, not Lexy. I just used my gmail account and it put her name. LOL!
TracyBlalock said…
Oh Wow! Your words touched me today (somehow they always do). Each of us are living the cards we are dealt and knowing that God has our back is the most awesome feeling anyone can know. Thanks for the constant reminders, Faith. Because of this post today, I'm feeling a calming, more clearer picture. I have no worries for HE is carrying them. Thanks again!
Jodi said…
I just love your blogs. They help me to see the positive side of things! Love it. You also help me to see a different side to my problems instead of just looking at the negative. Thanks. Love ya

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