Sunday I attended the Alexandria Mardi Gras parade with a good group of friends and some of their friends. We all gathered at a friend’s fabulously decorated house ate and hung out until we made our way to our spot on the parade route. Our group ranged in age from 1 year olds to 82 year olds, hey we like diversity and to make sure everyone is included! As time drew near for the parade to pass our spot on Texas Avenue we slowly began to be overtaken by another group. (This is not a blog about “spots” at parades, just bear with me.) I don’t mind the mingling of groups, I mean its going to happen, that’s what parades and being in the public is all about however, what I do mind is the lack of respect that seems to have overtaken our society by storm.

As I was standing in the back of a pick up truck with my girls and their kids, enjoying the sights and sounds of the parade, my dear friend broke and started running towards the crowd. This group of unruly, disrespectful drunken teenagers had literally overtaken our group and knocked two of our elderly ladies down without so much of an apology or a hand to help them up. Yes, you read correctly. This was a group of 50-75 teenagers who were sloppy drunk: Throwing up, stumbling all over themselves and others, and let me not forget to mention the obvious fornication that was taking place in the truck behind ours!! These kids were underage and drinking vodka and any kind of rum you can think of straight from the bottle and chasing those gulps with their bud light.

When my friend and her off duty cop husband reached “the scene” the two punks who knocked these dear ladies down, denied such actions and wanted to fight. (REALLY!?!) They were so drunk I am sure my girlfriend had a hangover just from their breath! Here’s the kicker, there were two adults standing on the outside of this drunken mob who were just a smiling and dancing and laughing at the scene. When confronted if they were affiliated with these teenagers their response was “Our son is just in the back taking pictures.” When told they needed to take some responsibility for these out of control drunken and disrespectful TEENAGERS or get the owner of the house they all came from, they denied responsibility and acted ignorant to any of this. Before I go any further, let me just tell you that they led the way for the drunken teenagers to all go back to the party house! (which belongs to a person who is pretty well known in the area)These adults actions disgust me just as much if not more than these teenagers actions.

After the parade ended and after most of the crowd has dispersed, these teenagers beer cans, empty bottles and cups were left all over this elderly couples yard. Some in our group stayed behind and cleaned up after these teenagers.

I am just appalled at the lack of respect teenagers have, not to mention the problem of underage drinking and the over age dressing of these teenagers. I know that not all teens are like this but this was the epitome of disrespect from the adults on down to the kids. I am outraged and horrified that these kids are the future of America who are being “brought up“ by people who turn a blind eye to reality. Do everyone a favor and teach your kids some respect and how to take responsibility. The best way to teach these important yet dying lessons is to live them. Be respectful and mindful of other regardless of age, race, gender or class. I could keep going on a rant about the underage drinking, the public fornication and the age appropriate dress; however I think that if values and RESPECT are taught in the home then these other issues will fall into place. I may not be a parent but I was raised by two of the best and pardon my language but I’ll be damned if I was EVER allowed to act like that be it in public or at home. I am thankful that my parents raised me with values and taught me to respect others. I did not know that the generations after me would not be as fortunate.


TracyBlalock said…
And this is why I no longer go to the Parade. Kids today are clueless and because of their parents lack of actually parenting, we all suffer. Thanks for posting this, Faith. Maybe you should submit to the Town Talk and let the town read of your experience. ;o)
Cody Wilson said…
Agreed! There's a huge lack of respect in our world today! The sad thing is that if you go try to correct kids mist of the time the adults will get all offended for you doing their job that they are neglecting and in turn it affects all of us even though they deny it. It is on other areas too though where respect is taking a plunge. Saying Sir and Mam are like a thing of the past to most people today, bit I know I would have gotten a knot jerked in my ass! (pardon my language) the other biggie for me is behavior in church. Playing on phones, talking during service (especiallon during prayer), and attire,namely not taking hats of in the sanctuary. These are all things that used to be understood tbh you don't do but today's world has lost sight of that with my new least favorite word...Tolerance! Yes there are things we should be tolerant of but we are so tolerant that we are building our house in the sand! God have mercy on us!
Amanda T. said…
This is what we deal with on a daily basis overe here, Faith. With Colin being a youth pastor, we see how much our youth just don't know about resepcting church and/or others because they aren't taught. They think sex, drinking, and sadly, even drug use is a given. But we are very proud of our youth because 95% of them do not have parents that go to church with them. So our kids get up and bring themselves to church. And slowly, some are learning.

I agree with Tracy - submit this to the Town Talk. You'd probably be amazed at how many people agree with you but are just part of the silent majority.
Anonymous said…
I could not agree more. And if they would quit sniffing and inhaling everything they can to get high, you wouldn`t have to be 18 to buy 1/2 the stuff at wal-mart.

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