Where Have All the Princesses Gone?

Psalm 45:13 "The King's daughter is all glorious within..."

I recently joined a book club each month we meet and discuss the book we read over themed food inspired by the book. It is just a delight in my month now! How do we choose the books? Each of our names are in a cup and each month we draw names to see who picks the next book. Knowing this I have been trying to decide on a book for whenever my name gets drawn. Since we do themes for our meetings and you all know I thrive on theme.(I might have a slight problem but I just enjoy themes!!) Of course the first one that popped into my head was.....wait for it.........a princess/royal theme!!! I mean seriously the ideas are endless here!!!

Almost immediately I started my search, sure there is the book I fell in love with as a teenager by Lori Wick called The Princess, but after re-reading it this summer I can not imagine this book being well liked by everyone nor sparking some great discussion; so my search continued. What did I find??? I found while googling for a book with a princess or royal theme that is NOT a biography of sort about THE Royal family or a children's book, that google could not effectively return any results for me. I found this very disheartening.

It saddened my being at what I did find. I found articles written that were laced in bitterness and drowning in hopelessness. NO, I do not live in a fantasy world where I clean my house in a tiara, thats real life ;)!! I do not believe that love is all ooey-gooey unicorns sneezing rainbows, with talking clocks, birds know the lyrics to MY song; but I do believe in fairytales.

Do we as grown women let go of our dreams?? of our fairytales??

 In today's society, yes I believe this. We forget we are infact daughters of a King...and not just any King, no, but THE King. Ladies, WE ARE Princesses!!!

 I was just disheartened at my findings when looking for a book for my month of book club based solely on a royal theme so we could wear tiaras and have a ROYAL spread of food!! I was telling a couple of friends about my disheartening find and I half expected them to just laugh that I was upset about this. However, to my surprise, they agreed...of course then they had this idea that I should write the book about NOT losing the fairytale in this world. Who knows?? Maybe I will and boy will it be full of stories of these interesting frogs I meet along the way!! Ok, all joking aside... never lose the fairytale.

You are a daughter of the King; so no matter your relationship status, embrace your princess title and  wear the heck out of that tiara!! And if you are with your prince charming? Believe the fairytale, your knight in shining armour is most certainly NOT a "loser in aluminum foil" or whatever those sayings are....rather, your prince charming is exactly that!!! No, he may not be the most romantic guy, he may not be what YOU envisioned, but he is what THE King....the God Almighty envisioned for you, and isn't that better?? Isn't THAT worth celebrating everyday, in your fairytale??

 Real life fairytales aren't always modeled after Walt Disney's recipe and I think its real easy for us as women also to fall into the trap of "woe is me" and the evil, evil game of comparing. I believe THATS where the fairytale and dreams are lost and distorted and even if we have "everything" there are roots of bitterness and discontentment that rob us of the joy in our everyday fairytale. All in all, because I know this is long, Just don't lose heart. Don't lose sight of the fairytale of the dream. Don't settle. You wait for the kiss that awakens you from your sleep and then you will know THE King has sent you your very own Prince Charming, until He can bring you both home to heaven.
John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many rooms...I am going there to prepare a place for you."

 Until Next Time Dearies!!


Alice Head said…
I like this a lot Faith. I wish my words could be expressed in the same eloquent way you express your words but instead all I can say is WOW!!! I really like this...and hope you understand what I mean by that.

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