Jesus and Lady Gaga

In light of multiple outbursts on social media sites that reeked with the stench of spiritual pride after Colton Dixon sang Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance" I just want to publicly say: I'm sorry.
I am sorry, Colton, that fellow "Christians" cast the first stone because of a song choice, apparently we do have non sinners on earth. (John 8:7) I was unaware. I am sorry that fellow "Christians" reverted to putting Jesus in a box. American Idol is a talent competition after all, not an I-love-Jesus-more-than-you-do-competition, we save that for prayer groups and Sunday mornings, ya see. Based on talent alone, I believe you will go far and I applaud you for sticking to your faith in the spotlight. I applaud you for always giving God the glory.  I am sorry we are holier than thou as we judged and pulled support for you because of a Lady Gaga song.... I mean obviously that's what Jesus would do!  Oh and apparently I am not considered a "good Christian" either because I sing Lady Gaga in my car. (Gasp)  She's even on my iPod!!!

The whole fiasco after he left the show also proves that American Idol is nothing more than a popularity contest rather than talent show. Colton deserves to still be on the show, his rendition of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" was the epitome of musical talent inventiveness.

And before I go, Jesus, please forgive us for using your name in vain and I don't mean when we stub our toes; I mean calling ourselves "Christ-like" yet being the Pharisees that we are.


TracyBlalock said…
"The whole fiasco after he left the show also proves that American Idol is nothing more than a popularity contest rather than talent show." You said it ALL right there. I thought he did an outstanding job with the song and I think the whole point in him chosing this song was to show his wide range of talents. As a Christian, I try really hard not judge others---as a human it's sometimes difficult but at the same time, I hope he understands the difference. Thanks for the post!
Jodi A. said…
Oh, I wish I could share this from my phone. You put it so perfect!

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