Fifty Shades of Magic Mike

Disclaimer: This may offend you but no judgment is being passed, just my humble feminist stance.

Women in our society are going nut balls crazy over the fifty shades of grey series, and now find themselves in love --err lust with a fictional character named Christian Grey. I cannot begin to tell you how much this gets under my skin. I have very dear friends that have read these books and love them, but not to the irrational love of some and this post is not to pass any judgment on anyone who loves these books. This is my humble opinion and what I gathered.

I had read a few reviews, both very liberal and very conservative reviews. I had people tell me to read them and people tell me not to read them. It was very 50/50...very on the fence...a very lukewarm debate on these "novels." (And I use the term novel very loosely) I am not one to "judge a book by its cover" so to speak so I decided I would read this series and come to my own conclusions. So I began reading the first novel.

I did not finish the first novel. I could not finish the first one nor will I finish the series. It's not even the "porn" factor that made me mad about these books. It was Christian Grey and the portrayal of sex as a business agreement. (The porn factor is just an easy argument to not read these books, but I will say yes, it’s basically porn!!) It was the entire male domineering woman submissive role, and not the biblical sense of submission; it was Grey using sex as a punishment at one point! Yes, punishment!! I will not go into any more detail about the books "scenes" but I will say I am good with my decision.

Grey was a controlling male domineering character and it was an abusive relationship where he controlled or tried to control every aspect of Ana's life, down to what she ate. 

I am heartbroken that so many women are in lust with this series and that THIS is what is "rejuvenating some marriages." The portrayal of this "relationship" and sex in this story is disgusting. Ana compromised herself to be liked by a certain man, who in turn had a business agreement all ready for her. I'm sorry, women, am I the only one outraged by this???? And please do not tease my ears with the argument "but the story is so good!" Really?!?! Because your husbands and boyfriends get playboy for the articles!!! The story was less than riveting and poorly written, and I dare say the only reason these were published was for the lone fact that it is porn for women and as a society aren't we sex driven??? 

Speaking of being sex driven, MAGIC MIKE comes out this weekend. It's a movie about 5 strippers. That's really it, its eye candy for women. When discussing possibly viewing this film (how old am I?)...this movie, I was thinking about how I would be outraged if this movie was about 5 female strippers (yeah, let that sink in) I would definitely be on my feminist rant of the exploitation of women.

Sure, we can say it’s different for men and women because we are wired differently, whatever but here's my take: Women are seen as strippers on "family" TV shows every night during prime time viewing hours. You never see cops going into male stripper joints on those TV shows. Remember the movie "Showgirls"?? And the outrage surrounding that movie and the label placed on those women. It's still a double standard. These men are praised for playing these roles with their hot and toned bodies while women would be called whores and, why not??? Women are falling in love with fictional characters who exhibit characteristics of domineering, sadomasochists like Christian Grey, while compromising themselves for the attention of a man.

I guess that's it for my long rant. I am just tired of sex being everywhere!! I am tired of half naked women being everywhere! We as a society are oversexed in every sense, sex is seen as just sex, just a "you get yours Imma get mine" kind of motto. Women are exploited daily and their bodies as a billboard! Sex is so commercialized and I am so over it!! So, to support my feminist stance, I will support Magic Mike’s exploitation of men! ;) (Yes, I am laughing at myself and this ridiculous rant!!)


I'm not familiar with the book series and don't intend to be. Thank you for posting about this series for the women that haven't read them. I also don't intend to see the movie. I am appalled at how many Christian women I know that are excited about this movie coming out. I would be very upset if my husband was so excited about going to see a movie with women strippers. Even my teenage girls have mentioned wanting to see the movie. I have informed them that it won't be happening. They mainly want to see Channing Tatum. I was very surprised that his wife was so happy that he was going to play a stripper in this movie. I wouldn't want my husband to be the image that other women think about while being with their own husbands.

I commend you for your stance. Have a blessed day!
Dot Vice said…
Thank you!!! Your 'rant' is validation to my belief that we have been spoon fed tiny bits of sex, violence, & other 'tools' of satan for years through TV shows, commercials, movies, books....really all forms of media. Now we have become nuturalized. Commercials of female products', 'male enhancements' violent 'entertainment' do not shock us, we just silently accept this crap as todays world. I can remember when you would never see or hear anyone on TV,radio or movies even"hint" at any such travesty. I wasn't alive, but have read when "Gone With The Wind" came out, it was banned in mnay cities because of Clark Gable's final line, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn". I'm not sure if 'we've come a long way, baby' or "look have deep we've fallen" is appropriate~dv
I completely aqree, Faith! I have seen so many women post quotes, pictures of the books, etc. from the 50 Shades of Grey series, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out what is so darn appealing! If the husbands of these women were to post quotes and pictures of Playboy, there would be World War 3 at home, so why should it be any different with the women doing it? I am an avid reader, and I am pretty good with books that even present a different world view. I tend to think that I can learn about other views in such ways, and that in turn will help me to strengthen my beliefs. Shades of Grey is not a world view. It is pornography. Period. I've read enough reviews and seen enough comments from my friends to know that. Same thing with Mike, I completely agree. If my husband went nuts over the same movie starring Katie Holmes, Anna Paquin, Sophia Vergara, Angelina Jolie, and Mila Kunis, I'd be ticked! Now, I am a huge movie lover, and I won't say that I'll never see Magic Mike, but what Ic an assure you of is that if I do, I won't be drooling and having a near heart attack by the time the intro credits roll. I personally think all that lusting is absolutely ridiculous, and makes the person doing it look ridiculous as well. So.. maybe I AM judging. Ha!

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