Big World, Small People

I am currently sitting in the 23rd floor balcony of the Island Tower in Gulf Shores. I can hear the crashing of the waves, the call of seagulls and the laughter of children, it's truly a number one hit! Staring out into the vastness of the ocean, I am once again in awe of my Creator. I can only see the water until it meets the horizon and the lyrics come flooding back:

"Who  taught the sun where to stand in the morning? 
And who told the ocean you can only come this far? 
And who showed the moon where to hide till evening? 
Whose words alone can catch a falling star? 
The very same God
That spins things in orbit
Runs to the weary, the worn and the weak
And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken
They conquered death to bring me victory"

It baffles me that there's a whole other world beneath those crashing waves and I bet scientists really don't even understand the half of it. 

I never feel smaller than I do when I stand at the oceans end or in a valley of mountains. 
It's pretty astounding when you think about it. The same God that spoke all this into existence, who carefully thought out the inner workings of coral reef, of each and every different kind of marine life also holds me and you in the palm of His hand. He carefully thought out the inner workings of our bodies, of our hearts and feels every emotion we feel. He created all this beauty and yet He wants MY praise.... When He has the world, He is jealous of MY time and MY praise... That's how much He loves me. 

It's kind of a bizarre thought, that the Creator of everything that exists is jealous of my time and praise. But that's just how much He loves us. Think about it in our terms, the love of your life, yes you want their time and attention, you are jealous of their time. Their love.  Their moments.  Same thing here  
He is such a gentleman, though, that while He created each of us and carefully thought out His will for our lives, He never forces Himself on us. No, man tries to force God but, God never forces Himself, He gave us free will. He loved us before we could even love Him. 
He chose me. He chose you. And yet, He gives you the option to walk away. WOW!!!

I guess once again my epiphany, as I am on face in awe, is this: It's just astounding to stand at the edge of this magnificent body of water, that is full of life and a whole other world, and know that the same hands that crafted and designed all the workings of the marine world... Designed me and holds me in His palm.... I've never felt so small.... He is such a big God... That can hold this world in His palm... That the clouds are the dust of His feet and yet He's personal enough to speak to me.... My praise, tears and feeble words don't do Him justice.


Beautiful! It is amazing that some "scientists" believe we evolved from nothing and that each organ developed individually. It is so plain to see that God carefully crafted each one, for the brain does not work without the lungs, the lungs without the heart, the heart without brain, and so on.. how could each come independently when they rely on each other? God orchestrated it all in perfect harmony, and like you, I "stand amazed in His presence." We serve an awesome God, and like the song says, "Oh, how He loves us.."
Faith you have such a beautiful heart!
Alice said…
WOW!!! Worded amazingly well!!!

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