Honey Boo Boo: Shhh! It's a Blog

What week are we on now with Honey Boo Boo? Four? Five? I don't really recall but I do know that each week I fear the words "Next Week on the season finale..." (You know you do too!!)
However, I have not heard those words yet so, let's all celebrate that and continue on with out lessons from Honey Boo Boo!

This week was a riot, as usual, a train wreck that I can't help but watch!

They started off by going to a wig shop called "Shhh! It's a Wig"
The whole family just seemed to have the time of their lives in this wig shop! It was indeed a hot mess!

1) Sugar Bear, you do NOT need a mullet. No one needs a mullet however, I am surprised Sugar Bear doesn't already have one.

2) It must not take much ole Sugar Bear to um.... get those juices flowing for after he saw Mama June in that blonde wig that looked like a big sponge, well he "got all frisky" and "wanted to jump some bones"

3) A new past time, if you are bored...."dig your boogers" (Do not try this at home!!)

4) Oh Sugar Bear, you were an extra hot mess tonight please, wipe the dried tobacco off your lip!!

5) "My 'put together' ain't that good"---Umm, let's try the word assembly...just for fun!!

6) Apparently a 6 year old can have hot flashes!

7) Mama June informed me that being hot (like in the summer weather hot, not like HOTT) can mess with your digestive system---Is there any medical proof of this?? Or has Mama June made a break through in modern medicine??

8) Does Honey Boo Boo have a voice octave that isn't YELLING??!??!?!?!?

9) Ladies and Gents, this one may be a shocker but Honey Boo Boo said herself that she is not a real person........that's right, she is a fish!

10) Duct tape can hold a pool together just 2 hours it is put together!!

11) I will now be using the phrase "Pleasingly Plump" instead of fat, fluffy or any other forms---My question, Who is this pleasingly plump to??? Is it pleasing to me? or to you??

12) June, I have a request, please for the love marry that Sugar Bear if for no other reason that we can have a Honey Boo Boo style wedding!!!!

13) Also, I was informed that July 4th is just a "big deal in the South"----Crazy!! I always thought it was a big deal everywhere in America being that its America's "birthday".....

14) And last but certainly not least, I was introduced to a new department store tonight. You can get there on your four wheeler and they have deals you literally can't beat no matter how much you coupon or how many times Wal-Mart rolls back those prices. That's right folks, Dumpster Divin'!! It's making a comeback! All the "cool" rednecks are doing it! (Isn't that an oxymoron??) Honey Boo Boo then proclaimed that she would absolutely win the "Dumpster Divin Diva Pageant" if they had one---Hate to break it to you, Honey Boo Boo, but you might be the only contestant in that one!!

Well, until next time dearies! If you see any good sales at that new department store, be sure to let me know!


Alice said…
I'm so glad we live in the South so we can celebrate the 4th of July! LMBO!!!
TracyBlalock said…
Dumpster Divin' Diva....oh lawd!!!!!!

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