The 28th year!

So, I turned 28 yesterday. 28!!! Please let's have a moment for me to freak out!! I feel like life is passing me by. Tomorrow I will blink and be wearing depends, using a walker and constantly saying inappropriate things!! Ok---lets be real--I already do 2/3 of that! ;-)

 I had a few moments of serious freak out yesterday---28....10 years from high school--2 years til 30-- since when am I closer to 30 than I am 18? Or even 25? 28!! I don't know why I am having these moments about 28, but I am.  And now so are you if you are reading this!!

When I was 18 or even 23 or heck even 25...I never imagined 28 looking like this. Ever! By this point in my life, I pictured me married with a couple of kids, a beautiful home and most likely as a teacher. Instead, I am in my last year of college to be a teacher, living with my parents so I can finish college and I am single as single comes, with no babies. Ok--- there it is completely opposite of what I dreamed but yet----when thinking back--- I can honestly say I would not change a thing.

 If I would've finished college the first time, I wouldn't know the amazing people I know. I would have completely different friends and I wouldn't be walking the journey of school with the ordained people in my life. I don't even know what it looks like anymore to be 28 and married, much less with kids. Do I want it? Abso-freaking-lutely (new word I learned yesterday!) but, who would I be married to? And when I look back, well, like I said I don't know what that looks like and I wouldn't change a thing. No, I don't know what my future looks like but I know with a hope that it's better than the past.

 At 18, who knows what we want to be? Maybe some, I sure as heck didn't! Well turns out I did but I wasn't specific enough in my knowing. This whole idea of time and dreaming--it's an everyday mystery. Time is always passing and dreams are always changing. I guess as long as we grow with both and constantly chase our dreams, then we are doing alright.

I really love the idea of facing each day as if it's one's birthday! Meaning, feeling that special and excited just about life! Taking advantage of each and every moment of this vapor of a life. So, cheers!! Let's do this 28!

Until Next Time Dearies!!!


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