You Were Worth It

My family not so randomly watched The Passion of The Christ Sunday afternoon. I say not so randomly, because I believe it was an appointed time though not planned.

With every slap of the leather; every tear of his skin; every sigh of agony; every strand of His hair soaked in blood; with every cling of the hammer to the nail in His hand; I cringed; I jerked and I cried for when the camera showed the actor looking into the camera, the still small voice that is very much alive said “For you, Faith, and you were worth it.”

Can we talk about how humbling that is? How heartbreaking that is? Because I am Judas, who turned him in for 30 pieces of silver; I am Peter, who denied him three times before dawn; I am the laughter of the mocking crowd; I am the arrogance of the Pharisees. I found myself so angry at “those people” who crucified my Lord, but I am “those people.” How unworthy I am and yet, here I am, on my face before my Lord.

And as the blood dripped from his nail pierced hands, He prayed for the hands that drove the nails in them and for those whose mouths laughed and mocked Him.

I pray to be more like Mary, who weeps as she cleans the blood up, who sits still at His feet, perfectly content. That is my prayer Lord, that I may sit at Your feet, perfectly content to touch Your garment as I pour my tears from my alabaster box on your throne.

He was tempted, mocked and laughed yet by the crowd “Prove to us that you are who you say you are!” they shouted! And we expect this immediately in our lives. Just like He did prove 3 days later, He proves in Our own lives, just in His perfect timing.

Thank you, Lord, for You are on our side; and You sit at the table with the beggars and whores, like me.


Alecia said…
Oh friend, that was perfect!

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