What I Hope My Class of 2015 Knows:

There are no state standards to measure the growth you have shown this year. And furthermore, there are no state standards to measure what I really hope you learned. 

I hope you learned to appreciate differences. I hope you learned to see the world with new eyes and to talk about the tough stuff like Ferguson, racism, hate crimes, you know all that stuff that you are told are taboo. But yet, we tackled them in class and my heart swells with pride on how well you all handled it. I must say, you handled them with knowledge and grace better than most adults! Stay informed. 

I hope you know that these are not the best days of your life. A lot of people will disagree with me and a lot of people will call me Pollyanna; but, the best is yet to come. You are young and have just been given your first set of wings to explore this great, big world! Have these days molded you and taught you valuable lessons? Absolutely! But remember, the best is yet to come. 

I hope you always continue to grow. Growing and learning is the true key to success in life. 

Travel is the best education.  Make it a point to travel somewhere new every year; and really see and learn about the place.

I won't welcome you to the "real world," because by doing that it negates every emotion you've ever felt; it negates every ounce of hard work you've put into everything you've accomplished this far. But, I will welcome you to the next chapter of this story that is your life. 

Our chapter together has closed, but oh how I anxiously await to read your next chapter!! Congratulations, Mustang Class of 2015! I'm a better person for knowing you. 

As always, be safe and be smart!

--Queen Nora Fefe 


Dad said…
Awesome piece of work
You could've been the guest speaker at the graduation
Love Dad
Jodi said…
I love it!

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