What Matters

I have an early morning and a full day with hormonal, teenage girls tomorrow. It's late and where am I? I just left the bed, where I was cuddled up with a certain dimpled face little boy, so that I can put to life the stirring within.

Bear with me.

We live in a fallen world. With events just this summer, I don't think many will disagree with me.

We live in a society that thrives on offense and stands for little. We demand tolerance and acceptance, but only when it aligns with our own beliefs.

We live in a messed up world.

I won't sit here and pretend that I know what it's like to be a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa.

I won't sit here and pretend like I know what it's like to use the hashtag #lovewins without it referring to Jesus on the cross.

I won't sit here and pretend that I understand the terrible shootings of recent times.

I won't sit here and pretend that I think the term "hero" is clearly defined.

I won’t sit here and pretend that I have a blind eye to racism or that I even understand it.

I won't sit here and pretend that I have it all figured out.

I won't sit here and believe that my opinion on any of the above matters.

But most of all, I won't sit here and pretend that my heart doesn't break for people.

My heart aches for people---not politics; not social issues---but people.

My heart aches for the person with an identity issue that I have never had. And I can't pretend to know what that is like. My conviction is that I don't show Jesus' love to them because I don’t understand.

My heart aches for the gay couple who doesn't see that love won on the cross. My conviction is that I don't show Jesus' love to them because I am scared.

My heart aches for the family of the shooters. My conviction is that I don't show Jesus' love to them because I can’t see past myself to do so.

My heart aches for the victims' families of the shootings. My conviction is that I don’t show Jesus' love to them because it is awkward not knowing what to do or say.

My stomach churns that a social stance and political movement will capitalize on their deaths.

My heart is broken for people---myself included. We have gotten so removed from each other. Religion aside, everything is taboo; everything is offensive; and we are left with shallow relationships.

We post, like, and share our opinion on issues without thinking it through. We block, unfollow, and unfriend because of differences, rather than celebrating the differences. "Enjoy the diversity." We may learn something.  We may even grow.

Because here's the reality of the situation:

Differences and similarities---we are all created in One image--His image.

When the day is done, opinions really don't matter.

What matters is where you stand with the Lord.

What matters is your relationship with Him, not your church affiliation.

What matters is what you did when your spirit stirred to love the unlovable.

Jesus called us to love, that's it. He didn't call us to judge or outcast people. He called us to love. If Jesus can wash the feet of sinners, can't I serve those same sinners? For I am a sinner myself; I am "the least of these." He sat at the table with the thieves and the whores." And if that’s where He is, then that's where I want to be.

Here is my humble, weeping heart...
Until next time dearies!


mandykens said…
This should be required reading for all adults. (And I know whose dimpled face that was. ☺)
TracyBlalock said…
Oh Faith...thank you! Thank you for opening your heart and sharing with us what we are all feeling but unable to put into words or unable to sort it all out. The world has gone mad and we are left standing in it, wandering what to do, where to go, what to think or say. My heart is broken for our country. Even more so, for my grands that don't know any better and will be brought up in the midst of all the hatred. Thank you for saying what we ALL must be feeling.

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