The Grinch Stole My Christmas

I know this may seem like a late post, but it's still been stirring within me. 

The Christmas decorations may be down, but Christmas is far from over. 

We made it. Whew. Everyone take a deep breath and bask in another holiday season down. The sugar comas, the ribbon, the glitter, the parties, the eggnog, the gatherings, the memories all made--All of it done and over. 

And all we can say is "whew!" "I'm glad the holidays are over."

This Christmas season I watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and for some reason, I watched it with new eyes. When the credits rolled, "this world needs a grinch to steal Christmas"was muttered in my heart. 

Yes, we all say the cliches and we share them a thousand times over and we get all offended over Christmas vs. holiday and red cups but what are we really doing with it? What are we really doing to keep Christ in Christmas? What are we really doing to give? What are we really doing with all of this here? 

Nothing. We share and post and like and tweet and go and blow our budgets all for what?!? The best decorated house? The cutest and most delicious cookies? The best gift given? The winner of some faux competition we put ourselves in? 

And then we pack it all up, vow that we will be better people and lose weight in the coming here and do it all again in 11 more months. 

So where's our grinch? Where's our grinch to steal Christmas and bring us back? Well, as I packed up my tree and nativity, I found him. I found myself mindlessly packing away these decorations, but I never felt that Christmas  was over.  

See, Christmas is a state of the heart. It's not a season. Christmas should never be over and when we get the point that it's just a relief that it's over, we've lost it. We've severely lost it. We all say that Christmas is about giving, but what are we really giving? Are we giving cheerfully? And who are we giving to? The least of these? 

If I were to make a New Year's Resolution, it would be to keep Christmas alive in my heart all year. I hope I never stop giving of myself and resources to those around me, and those in need. I hope that I'm challenged to give more in 2016. And I hope that for you as well. 
Until Next Time Dearies!


Loren Pinion said…
Our pastor said the same thing the Sunday after Christmas. Definitely something to think about and an awesome goal to work towards.

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