To the Teacher Who Wonders Where Summer Went

To the Teacher Who Wonders Where Summer Went:

I, like every other teacher, had really big plans this summer. These plans included prepping crockpot dinners, getting a head start on lesson planning, reading about 10 books that I'm not teaching and yet, I cannot put one check mark on that list. I am sitting here remembering how exhausting—on many levels—last school year was. It ended with some trials that have challenged me and my family in new ways. And I'll admit--- it leaves me with a bit of anxiety about the upcoming school year, especially since my checklist has no checks. 

I am writing to tell you that its okay. I am writing to tell you that while your checklist, like mine, is still waiting on check marks, He smiles. It is okay that you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to. It is okay that you will be lesson and unit planning as you go—in fact it’s even better. It is okay that you enjoyed your summer simply. Now, you can enjoy your students wholly. It is okay that (maybe) you spent more time relishing in His goodness and the simplicity of His extravagant love. It is okay that you are starting this school year with a renewed spirit, but empty handed in plans. We do that in life with Him all the time.

What non-teachers don’t understand is that from August to May, teachers give 150% of themselves to their students. What non-teachers don’t understand is that while maybe the pre-planning didn’t get done, you still spent your summer subconsciously making plans, fleshing out ideas, and getting that professional development in to make you a better teacher. What non-teachers don’t understand is that every day you have worried and wondered about that child whose single parent works 2 or 3 jobs to put food on the table; worried and wondered about the child who comes to school hungry and unclean; and its these children that prompt you to peruse the school supply aisles all summer and never leave empty handed. You wondered how the school would be without the students that have become a staple at the school. And you wonder how they are all doing and dealing with---life.

It’s okay because as soon as that first bell rings, you will not stop until that last bell in May rings. It’s okay because you give of yourself completely. So, maybe summer is over and you feel less prepared for this school year than ever; maybe the stress of the preparation is more than the stress of the kids. Oh, the kids—the reason you are there, because when the crazy comes, and it will, they are your reason for coming back day after day.

So, friend, its okay. You are still that rock star teacher. You are still making a difference in the lives of those kids. You are still going to move mountains in those kids. On your weakest day, you are still stronger and better than for what you give yourself credit. Don’t be discouraged— that list will get done, along with everything else that is thrown your way this year, and you will rock it!!

Until next time, Dearies!
And fellow teachers, remember why you are there. 
"And who knows but that you have come to your [royal] position for such a time as this?"--Esther 4:14


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