A High School Teacher’s Humble Opinion on “13 Reasons Why”

A High School Teacher’s Humble Opinion on “13 Reasons Why”

The kids were all talking about Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen.

“Did we get two new students that I haven’t met?”

Turns out, these are characters from a book (that I never got around to reading) turned Netflix series. By now, you would probably have to have been living under a rock to not know what I am talking about. If that offends you, oh well. 

I saw some blogs that called for parents to not let their kids watch it. 
I watched the show for myself and swore all of my students to secrecy as to not ruin details for me.
All I knew was that my kids that are usually consumed with rap songs, inappropriate jokes, Coachella (still not sure what it is), kegs, and whatever else were having real meaningful conversations about some real taboo topics. 

So, I sat down and watched the 13 episode series. I am not going to lie— It was tough to watch. 
It was graphic. But, life is graphic.  

As a teacher, I see the Clays, the Hannahs, the Jessicas, the Justins, the Bryces, and the Tonys everyday. While I am not advocating 12 and 13 year olds watch this show, I am advocating parents to be involved and possibly use this as a way to bring up some real tough topics.  Teenagers aren’t given enough credit for what they go through nor for what they think. 

If you didn’t shield your child from watching the video of the Facebook live killer, then why would you shield them from watching a show that is as close to real life as anything and about issues that they are faced with everyday? 

No one wants to talk about bullying. 
No one wants to talk about rape.
No one wants to talk about mental illness.
No one wants to talk about drinking.
No one wants to talk about drugs.
No one wants to talk about suicide.

But, we all want to judge or cast blame when a tragedy happens…

Props to the authors and producers for getting people talking about so many taboo topics. 


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