The Engagement

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, then you know that since my last post my life has drastically changed. The Lord has given me a treasure. He has given me the physical embodiment of my prayers in Jimmie and these precious babies. I don’t mean that to be cliché, but I mean that as if you were to look in the box of letters/prayers that’s under my bed, you would see just how beautiful this is.

Of all the views I’ve ever posted about, this is one that stops me in my tracks. This one is the most beautiful. This one is it - the one He has ordained- the one for which I’ve prayed - the one that is proof of His faithfulness. 

The view might be different than what I or some of those who walked this journey with me imagined. But when I see this view, I know without a shadow of doubt that He is writing this story because “He bends down to listen (Psalms 116:2).” 

You see there’s this box under my bed. And it’s been there since I was 13-almost 20 years ago. And it’s full of letters, which are prayers, for my future husband. There are lists in there of what I want in a spouse. Last week, I wrote my last letter for the box and for the first time it was addressed to a name with a face, not a hope. 

Let this be an encouragement to you, to the one who has prayed and prayed for years over something to come to fruition; to the one who feels that your prayers are in vain; to the one who feels that God doesn’t love you enough to give you the desires of your heart; to the one who is seeking Him in an impossible circumstance; keep on. I don’t have it figured out and there’s no magic formula, but what I do have is a renewed understanding that none of this is about me or about Jimmie. It is, however, about the goodness and grace of the Lord. It is about His faithfulness. It is about how much He loves us. It is about glorifying Him. 

And last tonight, I sat and I listened to him (Jimmie) speak. I listened as the Lord was glorified through his testimony. My heart is full. My heart is overwhelmed.

My lord, my Lord, Be glorified!
Through the hard things, the valleys, the pain--always be glorified
As we walk this journey of something new lead the way give us grace to always point to You. Give us grace with each other. Give us mercy with the people in our path and mercy with each other.  

As I sit and hear his testimony of his 10 year marriage I know. Oh ,how I know the peace that surpasses all understanding I’m so unworthy of such a beautiful story such a testimony of who You are. 

Help us never lose focus of why we are together or who brought us together. 

As I sat and listened, I saw God’s pen writing this story and I’m in awe. I’m in awe because God doesn’t need me to be glorified, but He chose to write such a story in which He gives me every desire of my heart and He is glorified. 

This. This is what it is all about —Him 

Every heartache---every lesson---every blog I’ve ever written confessing my heart and its desires and my struggles has been worth it. Here’s to His new chapter for my—our life. 


Unknown said…
I, too have prayed for your, "story." I will continue to do so because you so deserve to live that life you've prayed for. When I call you, "my niece," I mean that in every sense of the word, so please never doubt that. I'll always love you more.
<3 Necie

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