Another Magical Season

Can you believe that Christmas is already gone??? I blinked and it was Christmas week! I blinked again and here I am writing that Christmas 2009 is in the past! Unbelievable! This year’s season seemed to fly by more quickly than other seasons, it was also a bittersweet Christmas for this was the first without my grandpa. He was definitely missed and we all had our moments where our hearts physically hurt for his smile.

Since I barely had time to stop in this magical season, my blog suffered! hahaha Remember when it snowed!?!?! Oh What a truly magical night that was!!! I was just like a kid!!

Here are a couple of just "pretty" shots, yes these are on facebook but please humor me ;)

Here's Hannah and I on our way to bell ring the next morning:

We has Christmas with my Pops and cousins in Texarkana the weekend before Christmas. Its truly pure moments of awe and blessing when we all get together! For so long we did not have each other and now that we do I don't remember what life was like without them. Despite the miles or the years lost they are my big brothers and best friends.
My Girls!


When we all get in the kitchen its seriously WILD =)

Every Christmas Eve, for as long as my parents have been together, they have had their annual Christmas Eve party. Its truly a highlight eventhough this year half the people were sick and unable to attend. This year we also had a few surprise visitors! One Clint and Andi surprised my mom Christmas Eve night on their way to Houston. My mom's face was priceless and the tears are treasured! The other surprise visitor was this fellow:
I was taking the trash out and there this beautiful black lab pup laid.
Isn't he too sweet?

I looked for his owners and never found them, which made me sad. One he was beautiful and so loving!! Two it was Christmas!! I played with him for a bit and he was soooo loving, which is weird because dogs usually don't take to me. I had to leave him for a few minutes and he vanished before I could sneak him some food and water. I do hope he found his home.....
Christmas night, Greg and I went to the Natchitoches lights and rode in a carraige. It was sooo cold but delightful! Our carraige ride was eventful and there were times I was not sure we would make it through, our driver was a little...well CRAZY!
Here's me and Greg =)

And last but not least I will leave you with one last picture...a stacked Hannah, Me and Shannon! These are my little sisters and I love them dearly!

So, this catches you up to today, December 27, 2009, the day where the Saints lost their second game of the season and are now 13-2. I still believe, though!!! I have a couple of other blogs I want to post but tonight I just wanted a fun "insignificant" blog to catch you all up! Life is great and 2009 is coming to an end. I've been blessed beyond measure and am still on the bridge of hope and patience...oh wait, I didn't post that blog....Now I must;) Until next time lovies!!


TracyBlalock said…
2010 is gonna be the greatest year yet! I'm so excited for you to come work at the greatest company in Central Louisiana. I know..I'm not counting my eggs before they hatch...promise. Anyway, love your blog and can't wait to read more.

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