Blogging Off The Weight 1

As promised, I am updating about the "calorie counting",yes that is what I am calling it rather than a "diet". It's a mental game. Last week, after I posted the blog I was immediately hit with cravings of sweets, cause thats my weakness!! Then I was reminded that "the world was watching" to see if I could do this. Which, when you have an "audience" it makes it saying no to that wonderul milk chocolate bar a liiiitle bit easier. Just a little though.
Overall, I have been so busy that I have not had the time to cook healthy things at the house and bring them with me, but I have learned what low calorie things I can eat here at RRMC and fast food places. It may not be the most ideal choice right now but a grilled chicken wrap or salad is WAY better than a big mac and fries!
Also, I made it thru Thanksgiving pretty good. Portion control was the name of the game that day and the next. I never stuffed myself and only ate small portions of my favorites. It was just enough for that borderline coma nap you take on Thanksgiving!
SO, all in all week one came with some challenges, but the scale said this morning that I am a whole 3 pounds lighter! Its probably just fluid but its 3 pounds!!


So just how many calories are in a red velvet ball anyway? Those things will be my holiday downfall. It's very unfair of you to lose weight while tempting the rest of us (okay, me) with the RVB's. And I would like some credit for not making ONE tacky comment about your balls. You're welcome. (Side note: My crazy word verification for this post? "annos" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
TracyBlalock said…
Congratulations! Trying to count calories during this time of the year is very brave. My hat is off to you! Keep it up...again, you are my idol!

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