10 Things I Believe

     During my winter break from school, I have been cleaning out and have come across some interesting things. I came across things I forgot about, like the journal I started of "little things" about my ex. Yeah, that was a fun find! Ha ha! I found a lot of old writings and pictures and just plain crap.
     Among some of the writings I found, I found these: "10 Things I Believe about God" and "10 Things I Believe About Me". This was a homework project of sort, a couple of years ago (And Then There Was Grace )
        As I read them, it was just a beautiful moment so I thought I would share them and challenge you to do the same. Write down 10 things you believe about yourself and 10 things you believe about God. It's much harder than it sounds. These are things you believe with your heart not that you have been told not that you think or know or wish to be true....but things that you actually BELIEVE!
Here are mine!

10 Things I Believe About Me:
  1. I believe that I strive to please God and sometimes I don't feel "good enough" for His blessings. I know this is irrational, just some days it seems more truthful than His Grace.
  2. I believe I am a good friend but I could always be a better one.
  3. I believe I push myself for perfection on anything I try to do or achieve.
  4. I believe that yes I am indeed, FABULOUS and maybe this entry makes me a little narcissistic but I think I have earned the right to be a self proclaimed Fabulous Diva! (ha!)
  5. I believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Just like everyone else yes, even the rapists and murderers. (yes another wonderment that is hard to process)
  6. I believe that I want to be a writer. I want to be able to share my story even if it helps only one person.
  7. I believe God has great things planned for me, even though some days they feel as if they will never be my present just something off in the unknown future.
  8. I believe that I will make a good wife and mother.....one day (#7)
  9. I believe that I enjoy life to the fullest, embracing every day with arms wide open, ready for the adventures that it holds; maybe with a little hyperbole as my friend!
  10. I believe I would do anything and everything for my family and friends.
  11. BONUS: I believe that it would have been much easier to write ten things about someone else rather than myself.
10 Things I Believe About God:
  1. I believe that even on my darkest days that He has not forgotten me, for I am inscribed on the palm of His hands. Isaiah 49:16
  2. I believe that He loves me unconditionally, even though some days it's hard to process such a wonderful truth.
  3. I believe that He is all knowing. He has all things suspended and nothing takes Him by surprise. All timing is in His hands.
  4. I believe God has a sense of humor and that He likes to play with my life on some days. Don't believe me?? Look at my some of my life's adventures! (I do love it!)
  5. I believe He is the ultimate Creative Genius. He is even in the small details of the ornate world He created.
  6. I believe He is the only author of peace.
  7. I believe God is perfect, even when His ways seem a little crazy and unorthodox to my human mind.
  8. I believe He is hope and He is BIG! One of my favorite verses says "The Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm and the clouds are the dust of His feet."-Nahum 1:3  Just knowing that even in the storm He will have His way gives me hope for a better tomorrow; and the part about the clouds being the dust of His feet....WOW!
  9. I believe He is patient or He would have given up on me a long time ago!
  10. I believe when I hurt, He hurts and that He's "there" to comfort me but also to tell me when it's time to get up and move on.
So, those are the things I believe....
It was a neat experience writing them and even cooler when I found them again.
Hope you take the "challenge" and write your own 10 things...
Until next time, dearies!!


Anonymous said…
This is a good one Faith! I will take your challenge, as well as bring it to my bible study tomorrow to challenge my pals. But again, God has shown an affirmation, if you haven't read the email I re-sent you, you definately need to....I'm sure God used me to get that message to you!
Blessings & Light!
Dot p.s. I got my pkg today!!

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