2012: The 27th year

As we wind down 2012, I like to look back over my year. I guess I do this because I sometimes imagine each year as a chapter in my life with subchapters full of foreshadowing and other nerdy, literary devices. A perk of having a birthday that is only 16 days into the New Year, is that each year represents a solid year of age for me, with 2012 being my 27th year. This year was lived and lived well.

January came with a fabulous celebration to begin my 27th year. We painted with laughter and smile at our masterpiece of the memories made.

February came and well, the only thing of note that I remember was this wonderful little embarrassing story!

March was a month full of blossoming friendships while others ended. Relationships always tend to grow and some die; but most importantly, a beautiful little girl came into my life: Brynleigh Carmouche!

April was the month I had the privilege of spending time in Lubbock, Texas, and presenting one of my writings at a Literary Conference. This was a momentous occasion for me since I really want to write. I almost felt like Sally Field, "They like me!! They really do like me!!"

May concluded a wonderful semester and I was a part of the dragon boat races, here I learned that dead fish stink to high heaven; I laugh a lot when I am totally out of my element; and given the opportunity I can be "sporty spice." Paddles Up and I giggle! River water burns and you can wear pearls while racing on the Red.

June, Oh the days of a morning radio host…. How interesting was that? This journey taught me a lot about who I am and my voice in the world. I ended the month with a fabulous trip to New Orleans with some fantastic girls!
July was hot and there was a beach trip for the books. From the car getting eaten by sand to a lesson in grief to being in awe of My God, the trip was definitely the highlight of my month.
August began school and what I now know as my challenging semester thus far! And God's faithfulness proved to be true in the birth of Sullivan and Cooper Phillips!

September: We, as a nation, our love for Honey Boo Boo grew and oh the lessons we learned!!!

October: I was blessed with  flourishing friendships that will last a lifetime!

November: I taught for the first time. I learned more about myself and the desire was fed. People say I am crazy for wanting to be a teacher, especially of those "smart mouthed teenagers."
I also attended Gala with some fabulous people!!

AND watched the Saints "smack the Falcon's ass" in the dome -- Sorry, but this was by far the best quote in the dome by some lady!! I absolutely enjoyed this weekend with my parents. We made memories that will last a lifetime. I am truly blessed beyond measure when it comes to my mom and dad.

December: I was changed, we were all changed by a little town in Connecticut. On December 27th, I picked up Beth after a little over two years of her being in Bulgaria! Beth and I have been best friends since the womb, this is no hyperbole. Here we are at the airport: (excuse the tears of joy)

2012 was full of lessons, trials, and joys; but so is any other year. The turning of the calendar is nothing more than the page turning. January 1, 2013 is no more special than any other day for each day is a new beginning with its own set of adventures. So, as we all make ourselves promises for 2013 to be different or lose weight or volunteer more or whatever it is; when the day comes that you feel as if you've failed; know that you and I didn't fail for for the year but just in that moment. The next moment is new;the next hour is new; and the next day is new. Don't wait until 2014 to make changes, change starts in any moment there is breath.

I hope you all have a Happy and Safe New Year! (and just for kicks, this is our last picture of 2012, haha)


I so enjoy reading about your adventures, trials, tears, and insights. I hope your 28th year is filled with beauty and joy! :) Love ya, sister!

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