When did you last celebrate Christmas?

As "the most wonderful time of the year" is upon on us, I am bracing myself for more "Christian" slogans about keeping Christ in Christmas (the word, not the actual season or day).That is what makes me laugh about all the social media posts and rants (quite like this one). It's so easy to post this and that but what about in the real world? This idea of bumper sticker/sloganized religion is probably not what Christ had in mind when He said, “Love your neighbor."

Are we really keeping Christ in Christmas just by our posts and words?? What about the old saying "actions speak louder than words??" Or are we, as “professed Christians” in the virtual world, actually turning more people off to Christ in Christmas than we are showing Christ? Christmas is not celebrated just one day a year; it's not celebrated with even the craftiest Pinterest creation; the tastiest holiday cookie; the rich hot chocolate or even the hottest deal on a gift; In fact, I would dare say that celebrating Christmas isn’t even in reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve (a family tradition that I love and will carry on). I will note here that I am a Christian that does believe we celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ; however, we have gotten so off track.

Christmas is a matter of the heart that should be celebrated all year round. The magic of the season is truly found within. So, what about a campaign to keep Christ in our lives 365 days a year, rather than in a phrase that man has come up with? I am willing to bet that more of an impact would be made that way, rather than superficial slogans. If you really want to keep Christ in Christmas, then live it 365 days a year. “Religious Christmas is a great tradition, but it doesn't start and stop on December 25th- if that's the case... then the pagans have just as much right to the day as we do!” Furthermore, Jesus never excluded anyone, in fact didn’t He associate with “the least of these,” and society’s rejects?

“We should celebrate the life of Christ- the Death, Burial & Resurrection each and every single day- for without ALL parts of that story, we are incomplete.  Jesus is the most supernatural thing that humanity has ever experienced face to face since the fall of mankind and THAT is something to celebrate each & every single day.”

This is a challenge for me as well as my handful of readers. And please know, I will deck the halls and roast chestnuts and enjoy the hustle and bustle of the season, however, I beg you to ask yourself, “When did you last really celebrate Christmas?”

OH and just for fun, research what the “X” in X-Mas stands for…You might be surprised! (and no, I do not usually go to Wikipedia, but in this case this entry is valid according to my other research.)


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