Big Girl in a Big City: Day Three, Night Four

I just got off the phone with a friend who in not so many words was making fun of the things I blog about. Stating that its "crazy" that I blog about basically nothing and the play by plays of a seemingless uneventful day. He also said that "everything is important to me and that if something REALLY important ever did happen to me, my head would explode." He went on to "snarkily" say that I needed to get back to blogging about my "insignificant things on a blog that is CALLED SIGNIFICANCE!" He was astounded that I referred to this as a "series" and that I had a couple of readers" It won't take some of you long to figure out who this person was (hahahaha!) ALL that to say, Yes, I do blog about "the little or insigificant things" I enjoy them...I appreciate them and I try to live life to the fullest!! No one is MADE to read my blog, ok maybe I HIGHLY hint at some of you TO read it but its never a life or death thing. I also, appreciate the ones that do read this and especially when they leave comments! HAHAHA!! So, thank you, my reader(s) for supporting me in my seemingly uneventful days that I love so much; and as for my friend, he is just jealous that he has to IMPORT his blogs from someone else everyday ;) hahaha! Now, on to insignificant play by plays, if you will.........

This is me, ready for work: today's outfit not so special black and grey....

And this is how My God says Good Morning: With a glorious sunrise above the creepy garage! (Yes, He has a sense of humor!)

Today was day three of training. It was jammed packed full of information, medicare, meditech, processes and identity theft. If I learned anything about identity theft it is simply I am not smart enough nor brave enough to be a thief of identity! I mean, seriously, you have to be some kind of clever to pull off those schemes!! If only they could take that creativity and turn it into something good, like on Sister Act II!!(hahaha) I also learned that my dear friend, Glenda, is anxiously awaiting New Moon and she too, has her tickets!! Eight days my friends, eight days!!! At lunch, I learned that some people put crackers in their meat loaf and when they are out of crackers they put cheeze its!! Cheeze its in their meat loaf! This was so strange to me...I seriously need some feedback on I alone in thinking that crackers and cheeze its do NOT belong in meat loaf?!?!?!?!

Marque', our instructor is wonderfully fabulous! Today, she wore the exact same outfit I wore yesterday. It's like we are kindred spirits! I am sad that I will not be seeing her everyday! She is purely delightful! Someone today asked if they could bring a blanket to class tomorrow cause it was sooo cold!! Marque' said "Girl!! Bring a coat I don't want any snuggies up in here!! I don't know ANYONE that owns a snuggie and I don't want to...oooh let me shut up!!" I laughed hysterically to myself. I kept the fact that I indeed do own a snuggie to myself, let alone let her know that I packed it for the trip.....and am currently blogging in it...Yeah, its our little secret!! Shhhhhh! :)

I don't really know what she has against snuggies! I mean, yeah the commercials are cheestastic, but the product...yeah I drank the snuggie kool-aid!!

Tonight, I went to Saltgrass for the first time.

I ate in a corner booth alone and again, I lived through it! I brought a book and had the sweetest waitress! She recommended the El Paso chicken...
oooooooh my was it yummilicious or what!?!?!

The experience was nice...until the creeper came and all but SAT at the table with me. He spotted me when I walked in and I immediately got "that vibe" from him. He kept coming to my table and getting fresh napkins to go under my glass. One time he started wiping my table whilst staring at me reading and mind you, I was still trying to eat. After he finished wiping the table down he just stood there......awkwardly for moments...I started to wonder if I needed to tip him so he would leave....but finally he asked if I needed anything. I said no. He insisted on him fixing me some cheesecake. So I said only if it was "to go". He smiled and said "anything for you darlin." Yep, it was time to leave! (hahaha)

I came back to my hotel room and had a nice quiet evening, well besides the snarky phone calls from my friend where I had to defend my writing of whatever I wanted!!(HA!) They did service my room today..its the third day...and thats when they service your room (unless otherwise requested)..something about them trying to be green and preserve the environment ;) ...hey every three days is better than what my room gets at home, thats fa sho!

I wonder how long it takes them to get it juuuuust right. I feel like I don't appreciate all that hard work enough, but maybe now I have blogged about it, here on my SIGNIFICANCE blog of INSIGNIFICANT things, I have recified that...obviously its significant to the housekeepers, its part of their job!
Alright, dearies...Its a little past ten and I need to get some beauty rest. Until next time, love love!


Jodi said…
I would like to start off by saying I absolutely LOVE your blogs. Like I said earlier, I was staying up, waiting for you to put one up. So there. I need not say anything else about that...because you may have young people that read this, and the words I would use are big people words. Besides, you know how I feel about all that anyways. Ok, the snuggie, I haven't yet drank the koolaid, so I'ma have to side with that lady on that. The cheeze its in meatloaf???!!! That is just crazy, I've never heard of that, but if you're willing to cook one with that in it, then I would love to try it and tell you brutally honestly how it tastes. I love that you include pictures. I busted out laughing at the snuggie pic and my sister looked at me like I was crazy. And you must stop going to strange places by yourself. You should be expecting this kind of behavior now. You have an aura about you that attracts all sorts of people. Good, bad, crazy, sane, bipolar, offpolar...the list could go on. I love hearing about your life!!!! And so I see this as SIGNIFICANT!!!! You have to enjoy the little things in life. They are what keeps you going. And as far as saying that something big hasn't happened to you...who's to say that what you have experience isn't big??? So you haven't won a grammy...yet? Big whoop. Your life is far more interesting than 99% of the people I know. So, keep your creative colors flying, keep those fingers typing, keep your mind running because I look forward to it.
Thank you for writing about life. While we think much of it may be insignificant, God wouldn't simply leave us here all day to experience nothing that is important. I know that we moment by moment do have purpose even in the things that seem mundane- although most of your moments aren't mundane.. except maybe what your "what i wore pics" but maybe that's because I'm a boy and while I care, I don't care to look at photos of it. Please continue your traditions though; it isn't like I'm going to stop reading.

Crackers in meatloaf- YES... I mean you put breadcrumbs and crackers are basically the same, although I prefer the breadcrumbs. Cheezits just make me wanna puke. In fact, I should run to the bathroom right now and bend over the toilet and let it flow from my mouth due to thinking about Cheezits in my meatloaf. I do suspect though you will surely go home for us... cook the meatloaf prepared as mentioned... and blog about it so we can know if we should throw up again or just get zofran for when you try to feed us it, because I know you will love it.

BTW, you totally should move to NOLA, Memphis, Nashville or HOTLanta... I think you should live as a city girl for a lil while- really so Lauren & I can come visit after we're married. So do that before June 5th. OK? THANKS!

Sad to hear the hot tub was closed, but so glad you got shell designed towels. Yes, 3 days is greener... considering most guests only stay 2 nights.... They probably only do about 1/8 the work. It saves the money hotel, LOTS of water, and incredible amounts of energy that humans would otherwise be putting off... but it's definitely not good for the uneducated job market- I mean this is some serious work (difficult) and someone's gotta do it.

While you know sometimes I just like to be a little on top of the hippest, chicest things- with this.. I prefer new bed sheets daily for my $90+ dollars a night. As far as I'll know the whoel earth won't look the same after Dec 21, 2012.. So AL GORE- we have nothing to worry about! TAKE THAT blueberry man. (in reference to the blueberry girl in the original Willy Wonka).

Have a good 4th day. Enjoy.
Anonymous said…
While snarky, and adjective, is indeed a word, unfortunately, snarkily, an adverb, has never quite made it to the dictionary. Perhaps you can see Webster from your vantage point upon that very tall stallion of yours, summon him, and instruct him of snarkily's significance.

Everytime I see I snuggie, I want to choke you with it.

Shanna said…
Shanna: Hannah, you should leave a comment.
Hannah: No!
Shanna: Aww, come on Hannah! She loves comments.
Hannah: No, I know!
Shanna: That's why you're not?! Ha

Love love!!!!
Okay, Faith. Here's a little suggestion for next time: don't answer. Or, if you are feeling particularly frisky: answer and hang up. (I hope you can tell how snarkily I typed that.) And come on, "Anonymous"! Man up and own your comment! LOL (that's for you Anon.) Ooh FUNNY! The word verification for me to post this is "dicsk". Is that a sign or what?!
P.S. Anonymous sure does get up early to read your blog.
Jodi said…
I agree "Kenimer Family". IF it's so insignificant, then why you readin. Uh huh. You addicted to!!!!!!!!! He drank the Faith kool-aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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