No Day But Today!

I have been back to work now for a week and I still miss the "big city" life and I must admit I miss the blogs, also! Working two jobs is tough and twelve hour work days are killer on the feet; so much so that me and my tennis shoes have become VERY CLOSE friends. During this past week, I have had alot of blog ideas come to me on various topics and all are being worked on. However, one that came to mind was a "series". Maybe its a series or maybe its just for accountibility for myself. I am sure you are wondering what the topic is! Well, weightloss. (Ok bare with me!!) Have you ever made that new year's resolution of losing weight and you are "GUNG HO" about it for a month (maybe) NO? Ok maybe it was just me! Or maybe you have said "tomorrow" I am starting my diet...again, just me? Ok, well that tomorrow never comes for me. Tomorrow becomes another tomorrow which turns into another tomorrow and then here I am still wanting/needing to lose some weight but stuck in the rut of tomorrow. So, TODAY I watched what I ate and watched my calorie intake. I even have an app on my phone that helps me with this. Most of all, I am clinging to Phil. 4:13 "I CAN do ALL thing thru CHRIST who strengthens me." Yes, ALL, even lose this weight. Will the posts be boring? Probably, but no one makes you read this, however I LOVE my readers, the both of you! (hahaha) I am currently working on and taking ideas of what to call those posts with a logo.
Now, I feel like I should say that I am not going to daily blog about my calories however, there will be blog entries 1-3 times a week about how I am doing with it, battles, goals and pounds.Also, I will not only blog about this weightloss. If you have any ideas, recipes or encouragement PLEASE, I welcome it all! I guess I am including you all in on this because blogging off the weight (hey maybe that could be the title, what do you think?) seems like a decent way of accountibilty plus I like blogging and I need to know, is anyone with me??

Here are two "logos" I found on photobucket that I thought were cute!!


I like the second logo. You would never show your crack like the woman in the first one. :) We, your FAITHful readers, are behind you, so blog away. Also, if you were gungho about your New Year's resolution for a month, then you are a way better woman than I am!
Ashley Stokes said…
I'm behind you 100%! I am battling the same thing, so we can be accountable to each other. Keep up the good work!
Jodi said…
Love love love it. And I like the second logo better too. I guess because I like guns. And if you're blogging about it, then that would help with your accountability! So, I look forward to reading them, as well as all your other ones. It was sad times when the original series ended. But, I like you in town, so if I have to sacrifice your blogs for you being back in town, then so be it.
TracyBlalock said…
Well, it's been over a week and no new blog. You can't keep us hanging like this, Faith. Now, how's the diet and I know there was something too funny that happened over the holidays. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

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