Coloring His Masterpiece

Some of you may have noticed that I have been blogging more lately or maybe I am the only one that gets on this thing! Regardless, I have had a couple of requests for a post that I posted a few years back and ironically enough this particular post had been on my heart as of late. Below you will find said post with a new additon.

Coloring Is Cheaper Than Therapy:

Late Saturday night, while on a random trip to Walgreens I picked up a 16 pack of Crayola crayons and coloring book. Oddly, I found myself laughing at my excitement of my purchase. Sunday, I sat on my bed with Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy playing and I grabbed my favorite childhood past time. I sat and carefully picked my first bland and dead picture to bring to life. If you know me at all, you will know that of course it was one with flowers and butterflies. I thoughtfully selected the colors of my choice from new box of crayons. I colored, careful not to get out of the lines and of course outlining each detail in a darker shade. Then I lightly colored in each flower petal and butterfly wing. I thought about how we are all crayons in a box, waiting to be picked, for our turn to be used to bring a scene to life. I thought about how God uses each of us with our own unique color -- talents, gifts, personalities, locations --to bring scenes or people to life. He carefully chose each of us for a specific "scene", for a specific flower petal or leaf or butterfly wing to bring to life in this great Masterpiece for His beautiful Glory in the end.

I finished my fanciful picture to find that all the unique colors blended well for a beautifully alive picture. I flipped through to find a color by number. I turned the page thinking "I don't like being told what to color!" BUT, I stopped, here was this picture with order and instruction and I knew the end result would be beautiful because it was planned out by the creator. I looked at the color by number and began to line up my colors. I thought "Why can't life be as easy as a color-by-number? Or is it, that life is that easy when we be still and let God be God? But we too often get in the way and try to color the fours pink instead of green or the twos blue instead of yellow." When we don't follow the "guide" things get distorted. Our sun comes out green and our grass yellow. How many times have we taken back the crayon box and said "I don't like being told what to color!"? How many times have I colored the wrong number red or purple? How many times has the Creator had to take the mess I've made and correct my mistakes in His Masterpiece?

2011: One thing that still amazes me is how faithful and gracious my Lord is. I know personally I have gone through times in my life when I have taken the color box away from Him and colored my life how I saw fi and because my Lord is a gentleman, He never demanded that I give Him the colors or control back. He gave me the choice and waiting patiently for me to come to the end of myself. However, when I looked at the masterpiece I thought I was coloring, it was nothing more than a jumbled up mess of colors. Isaiah 49 tells me that I am "inscribed on the palm of His hand" and that the God of all Creation has not forgotten about me, and I know that to be true for you as well. I have given Him back the box of crayons and He is coloring His masterpiece through me. I may not can see the whole picture like He can, but from what I can see, His masterpiece is more than I ever dreamed. He has even made use of that jumbled up mess of colors.

Untill next time Dearies!!


TracyBlalock said…
I love this post!!!! For me, it always comes back to Psalm 37:5-7. I miss you Faith! I'm so glad you are back regularly blogging!
Amanda T. said…
I agree with Tracy - it's good that you are blogging regularly. I miss you as well.
Anonymous said…
This blog has always been my favorite. When you first posted it a few years ago I had printed it out so I could read it from time to time and then I mis-placed the print out. I'm so glad you re-posted it. Love ya, Alice

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