Life’s Little Loves

Today I am linking up with Jamie for What I’m Loving Wednesday!

{1} I'm loving...the simplicity of the dragonfly is this picture. It’s peaceful.

{2} I'm loving...that my some of my girls and I have a girl date at a new place opening up in town on Friday!

{3} I'm rides. No I am not hardcore and do not even go everyday but when I can I love them.

{4} I'm loving...that God has truly blessed me with the best people in my life thus far!

{5} I'm loving...that school is starting up soon and I have a fabulous new bag that I will share next week!

{6} I'm loving...that I get to wear an apron at my part time job during the fall semester!

{7} I'm old book I found in my closet but never read. I started reading it this week and I am pretty sure its God’s timing!

Until Next Time Dearies!


Seek First said…
I love the simplicity of dragonflies's nice to focus on the small things.

I have a fun rosette headband in a giveaway right now--you should come by and enter!
Wendy said…
Thanks for the comment. I am trying to get back into the blog world more.

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