Faith's Funny Friday

Yes, it is Friday once again and we are all counting down the hours until the weekend! While I was getting ready this morning this blog came to mind, I had to re-read it and got a good laugh! Here I am again sharing it with you...maybe your Friday afternoon will fly by:) 

Happy Laughs, Dearies!!

The Whistling Diva

*****DISCLAIMER: This is a girl’s ONLY post. I would suggest that if you are NOT a female you NOT read this post; you MAY be scarred for LIFE, boys!!!*****

I am writing this blog because honestly it’s a funny story but should probably be told over a few cosmos however I am considering this as a “how to” or “educational” blog for fellow women.

I had a friend tell me about the diva cup.(You can click the link above and read up on it.) She raved about how easy it is to use and how much money in the long run she was going to save by purchasing one. Intrigued by this, “green” invention I researched the diva cup. After a few weeks of research and pondering and ok I will confess, being a little confused on how this thing worked I ordered one. It came in and even came with a pretty little pin that says “DIVA” with a pink flower. I don’t know why anyone would want to wear this pin like the scarlet letter but hey, to each their own.
After “anxiously” waiting to be able to use my Diva Cup, the time came. My monthly BFF was in town and the Diva Cup was staring at me…taunting me. Ironically enough, some friends and I were going Tiki Tubing on the Amite River. As many of you could correctly assume, the river and sandbars are not exactly a fun place to tend to your womanly business so I thought “Perfect!! I’ll diva this!!” Morning comes and I go to the back bathroom to meet my new friend the Diva Cup. I pull out the instructions and I’m reading the directions “fold, insert, twist it should suction to you” (Yes, I did read that summary aloud as if to psych myself up)So there I am, swimsuit around my ankles: “fold it” check; “bend knees” check; “it’s in “and “now twist” I twisted and twisted this Diva Cup and it would not “suction” I thought “maybe I did it wrong” I tried the steps again, still just twists. Then I thought that maybe it did but it’s still able to twist. So I put my swimsuit on and I am trying to adjust….to this foreign THING “maybe its not so bad and I take a step into the hallway. I walk down the hallway and I hear this low whistle sound. I stop to investigate this sound however when I stop, the whistle stops. So I take another step*whistle*step* whistle* step* whistle* I tried to contain my laughter as I told my mom to mute the tv. I took a step and sure enough there was the whistle she said “what is that??? “ I said “um yeah I’m pretty sure that’s my va jay jay whistling” So, there I stood in the middle of the living room with my va jay jay whistling different pitches with different hip movements. I mean I basically could have played Yankee Doodle with my HOO-HA!!! THAT is talent, America, buuuuut you won’t see ME on a talent show ;)
Now, I have friends that use this contraption and I have read reviews on this and never have I come across one that made another woman’s HOO-HA whistle, so I feel that this should be known to the women that are trying to go “green”. I support the Diva cup however you should be warned of the possible whistling factor. So now you know.
OH and for your curious minds, I did NOT whistle my way down the river that day. I have decided that I am too much of a Diva for the Diva Cup and I go at it old school style. =)


Alice Head said…
HILLARIOUS!!! I was rolling while reading this!!! So glad there was no one in the hall or the offices next to me bc then I might've had to explain why I was laughing and I work with mostly men.
Brandy said…
I do not think I have laughed so hard in my life my husband was asking me why I was laughing so hard of course I said its about aunt flo he said nevermind then LOL

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