Metaphorical Caves
We were able to shut it all out and enjoy nature, each other, and the Lord. We set up camp and immediately put on our backpacks and went down to the river. We remembered the song " Rolling River God " as we picked up rocks that were silky smooth---and I prayed the edges of my heart were working toward that. I remembered how 13-14 years ago when I was at this place how I thought I had my life figured out. And how I thought I would come back with my husband and kids in tow. But, I looked at the Rock and caressed its edges--I smiled and sat to bask in just how far He has brought me. We journeyed to Lost Valley--which according to the sign is neither lost nor a valley--but I would beg to differ. We saw amazing works of His hand. I felt so small and I loved it. I relished in knowing just how small I am in this world. We climbed through the first little cave that had a waterfall and light and I was able to stand up the whole way and hop from rock to rock....