This MAY Take A While......

I guess I should no longer call myself a “blogger”! I just looked and it has been about a month since a post. I have been working on a blog for you all, but I am afraid that I am not QUITE ready to post it yet, soon though I promise. I really have no profound thoughts or great epiphanies to share about a journey I am on or you may be on, but I do have pictures!
One of my best friends in the whole wide world got married on April 24 in Tennessee. Yes, I blogged about the journey but I did not share any pictures, unless you saw the plethora on face book! On the off chance you did not see them I will share some now:
The journey began early that humid Friday morning, with nothing but highway in front of me and my sister! Yes, in the picture below I am driving WHILE wearing my snuggie and its completely safe!!

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Battistelli

My new friend, Katie Hannah, she is truly one fabulous chick!!!

On the way home Hannah and I made a stop at Graceland. I will not bore you with the photos there's an entire album on facebook for your viewing, complete with narrative and funny comments from a friend!!
May brought lots of fun and lots of laughs!! Hannah turned 22 and we had a celebration of her!

contrary to popular belief, Charity and I are not sisters nor are we the same matter how much we favor!!hahaha

I really just love so much about this picture...its so colorful for one, two theres a creepy Mandy in the background and Asher is REALLY confused about his mommy!

I also got the pleasure of seeing Carrie Underwood in concert. Oh and Craig Morgan opened for her, and let me just say that I have never really noticed anything special about Craig Morgan...until I saw him live....his hip movements were out of control in a totally-wonderful-borderline-inappropropriate-its-getting-hot-in-here-way =) Morgan, Lori, Erika and I made the trip and enjoyed a wonderful show from Carrie. I will say if you get the chance definitely see her in person. She puts on a good entertaining show and straight will have church with you! I may have gotten a little emotional on some songs, but I will just say that that just proves the talent and passion of the performer. Here we are the morning after the concert! Oh I forgot to mention that baby Kohen attended his first concert as well ;) He is definitely a fan of Carrie!!

Memorial Day weekend we had our annual Brown clan here at the house, along with the crawfish boil and day full of fun and food!!! Greg got to meet my crazy cousins and somehow I get the impression they really love him and possibly even more than they love me! Something about them telling me to take good care of him...and that if I don't make it legal with him they will...its because he boiled amazing crawfish for them....and Im not bitter AT ALL that they would disown me to adopt him...nope not bitter AT all...............................................
We had a fabulous time that weekend and I am soooooo blessed to have such awesome cousins!!!
Here's Maddie and I (in my fabulous monogrammed apron) making the crust for the fruit pizza!

I would have a picture of me cutting the fresh pineapple for the first time and the finished product however, I was really having to concentrate during such events because the cousins loved Greg sooooooo much and thought it would be funny to gang up on me....again not bitter!! I love my cousins ;)
Here's Josh and Hannah........precious

Gregory and I

Basically, my dad and Greg are the same person...its scary!!

Here are a few more from the weekend!

It was a great weekend!! And we hope to make a trip to Hot Springs soon to see them all again!!!
Yesterday was Greg's birthday. He turned 26!! We along with his family went to Tunks to eat. I had him an embarrassingly large balloon bouquet waiting there but he loved every bit of it!!! Especially the camo balloon. Have I ever mentioned how I hate camo?? No, I did not pick the balloon was if it was destiny that the camo balloon be in there....yeah...

We tried to take a cute picture with the pretty background but I ruined it!! hahaha

So we tried again after dinner...and with the balloons...Doesnt it kinda remind you of UP!

Here's a picture that I absolutely adore...Its a favorite view...and Asher DEFINITELY is very fond of Greg!!

SO, that is a month in pictures in the life of Faith...I know its a riveting life I lead! Oh and here's a little update on the weight loss journey, to date 31 pounds lost and I have gone down another belt hole!! YAY! Its always nice when your mom, whom you see almost everyday can tell a difference and she has told me twice in the last little bit that she can tell! So YAY for that!!!
I feel like there's so much I have not posted and that this is a rather dull post... Oh well, it beats making out a budget which was originally on the agenda tonight...and what the boyfriend thinks I'm doing..... oopsie! Good thing he loves me!! hahaha!
Tomorrow is Friday and I am so happy for such!! Not that have more riveting plans, I just love Friday! SO HAPPY FRIDAY, dearies!!!
Thanks for taking a look back on May with me!!
Until next time =)


TracyBlalock said…
Well, I was wondering what happened to you. There are several bloggers I track and I check on regularly (weekly) and I was going to send you a shout out but you finally posted something. I love all the pictures and wish I was a photogenic as you but we all can't be, right? Next time don't wait so long. Now, back to the budget! YUCK!
SO glad you were able to be apart of the wedding weekend! Thanks for taking that LONG, BORING journey & sorry I didn't tell you the better route- oops! I had a lot on my mind.

So- how can I lose 31 lbs? tell me!

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