Some of you might wonder why I am writing a post on motherhood when infact I am not yet a mother. Truth is, I always thought at this point in my life I would be however life had other plans. I guess my maternal hormones are working in overdrive these days with my friends having babies. It's kinda crazy!! However, I have had the utter privelege of playing pseudo mommy to Asher these past few days and I have learned a thing or two about the club of motherhood that I want to be apart of one day! I am sure some of you can relate to some of my findings!! I learned that no matter what kind of day you have had, when you walk in the daycare room and that little face beams with joy at the sight of you and those little chunky hands reach for you; nothing else matters. I learned that privacy in the bathroom while getting ready, is really overrated. I learned that when you are holding a sleeping angel, your bladder really can wait longer than what is probably healthy. You can bake a cake while...