God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
Izaak Walton
So, maybe I have neglected this blog now for months and just maybe all of my “readers” have moved on…however, as I laid in my bed tonight with the day of Thanksgiving only moments away, my heart is full and God is reiterating a lesson on thankfulness in my heart…
Last week I found myself in the check out line with a girlfriend and I was complaining about my bra sizes being so expensive…immediately that still small voice within spoke “be thankful”… I was not to be thankful for the expensive bras but thankful that illness had not taken my breasts away…maybe this is far fetched and maybe this is just how my mind and heart operate; but more and more over these past few months “being thankful” has been a theme in my heart and especially in the last week…to the point where one friend has all but banned herself from complaining to me, especially when I told her to be thankful she was traveling in traffic for that meant it would slow her down enough to enjoy her journey and not be rushed…..its ok if you want to stop reading, I won’t be offended…I know this is disgustingly Pollyanna of me. How dare I be thankful for traffic?!!? However, it lead to a whole list of things for me to be thankful for today:
I am thankful for the “maint req” light that is on in my car, because at least I have a way to get around.
I am thankful for the “heat wave” this Thanksgiving because that means the homeless won’t be cold while I am in my comfy home.
I am thankful for traffic because not only will it make me slow down, but it means people are on their way to family.
I am thankful for these gray hairs that keep coming back faster and faster for that means no illness has taken my hair.
I am thankful for my tear stained face over this past week for it means God has given me emotions;compassion and mercy.
I am thankful for the few dollars left in my bank account because that means my bills are paid and there’s food on the table.
I am thankful for the changes in my life that are here and that are coming because it means growth.
I am thankful for where I am today...that's it...just where I am in life today. No it may not be where I want to be, where I dreamed I would be but its where I am and I am thankful for today.
Sure, we all have days where we may not be thankful for our breasts or gray hairs or tears or $2.00 in the banking account...but being thankful is a daily choice and definitely changes your attitude and outlook on your life. As you are gathered around your table with too much food and family you love or love to hate :) remember that the 4th Thursday of every November is not the only time to be thankful...Daily be thankful for the problems and "setbacks" and things we see as negative...because I gurantee you, that negative will certainly become a positive when you truly become thankful for "it" in your heart...
I hope each and everyONE of you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
Izaak Walton
So, maybe I have neglected this blog now for months and just maybe all of my “readers” have moved on…however, as I laid in my bed tonight with the day of Thanksgiving only moments away, my heart is full and God is reiterating a lesson on thankfulness in my heart…
Last week I found myself in the check out line with a girlfriend and I was complaining about my bra sizes being so expensive…immediately that still small voice within spoke “be thankful”… I was not to be thankful for the expensive bras but thankful that illness had not taken my breasts away…maybe this is far fetched and maybe this is just how my mind and heart operate; but more and more over these past few months “being thankful” has been a theme in my heart and especially in the last week…to the point where one friend has all but banned herself from complaining to me, especially when I told her to be thankful she was traveling in traffic for that meant it would slow her down enough to enjoy her journey and not be rushed…..its ok if you want to stop reading, I won’t be offended…I know this is disgustingly Pollyanna of me. How dare I be thankful for traffic?!!? However, it lead to a whole list of things for me to be thankful for today:
I am thankful for the “maint req” light that is on in my car, because at least I have a way to get around.
I am thankful for the “heat wave” this Thanksgiving because that means the homeless won’t be cold while I am in my comfy home.
I am thankful for traffic because not only will it make me slow down, but it means people are on their way to family.
I am thankful for these gray hairs that keep coming back faster and faster for that means no illness has taken my hair.
I am thankful for my tear stained face over this past week for it means God has given me emotions;compassion and mercy.
I am thankful for the few dollars left in my bank account because that means my bills are paid and there’s food on the table.
I am thankful for the changes in my life that are here and that are coming because it means growth.
I am thankful for where I am today...that's it...just where I am in life today. No it may not be where I want to be, where I dreamed I would be but its where I am and I am thankful for today.
Sure, we all have days where we may not be thankful for our breasts or gray hairs or tears or $2.00 in the banking account...but being thankful is a daily choice and definitely changes your attitude and outlook on your life. As you are gathered around your table with too much food and family you love or love to hate :) remember that the 4th Thursday of every November is not the only time to be thankful...Daily be thankful for the problems and "setbacks" and things we see as negative...because I gurantee you, that negative will certainly become a positive when you truly become thankful for "it" in your heart...
I hope each and everyONE of you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!

Have a blessed Thanksgivig and a Spiritual Christmas! In the Love & Ligh of Christ!`dv