
Showing posts from August, 2011

Checking In

Hey Y'all! Oh wow, doesn't that "sound" like Paula Dean?? I am sorry! let's start over!! Hey Dearies! (much better) I have not forgotten about my blog, infact I have a couple started but I never seem to have the time to sit down and finish them. It is week two and these 18 hours of school have proved to be very demanding already. Trying to learn major time management between work, school and family/friends is fun!! I feel as if I need an assistant or clone of myself to keep everything going or to write a newsletter to my friends letting them know I am still alive! Currently I am sitting on my bed with my "study" playlist in the background and all of my school books surrounding me, staring at me and patiently waiting for my attention! It is Wednesday, which means the link up party to What I'm Loving Wednesday is ongoing and I am sitting here really wanting to join in, but I also know I "owe" you guys a "real" blog because ob...

Simply Fabulous Life

What I'm Loving Wednesday!! So its been a couple of weeks since I was able to join in my link up party for What I am Loving Wednesday and even now we are at the 11th hour but nonetheless here we go because WE have some catching up to do! I'm Loving.. .My spontaneous new haircut! I cut off about 5 inches of hair on a whim! It was liberating in so many ways! I'm Loving... my new Thirty One bag for school! Thank goodness my friend started selling Thirty One, this is JUST what I need for me to be successful this semester in school ;) I'm Loving... that an editor of a local small town newspaper is interested in some of my writings and even published one last week!!! I'm Loving... the book club I joined!! We are on our second book, Shoot the Moon, which I finished it last night. I must say this is just FABULOUS! It is broadening my horizons in the world of reading, cultures while getting to know some great women! I'm Loving... that  Cenla Down ...

Kids and Clay

As my days as summer nanny to my boys are quickly coming to an end, I want to leave you with this entry on my blog. Keeping two boys this summer has been a joy! They have taught me so much and made me heartily laugh! They have also helped rejuvenate the child within me and with that child, the child like faith I had allowed life to take away. I never LOST faith but I had a skeptical faith. The puns are ridiculous I know I will refrain, I promise. I believe with my entire being that this summer was God ordained. It was more than an answered prayer for their parents to keep them out of daycare; it was more than an answered prayer for me a summer job; it was actually an answered prayer that I did not know was prayed much less needed answering. This summer has brought changes in my personal life. Humbling experiences and heartbreak that has truly grown my faith more than I ever dreamed. I can "look" you in the eye and tell you I am good. God has truly held me in the palm of ...