Checking In
Hey Y'all! Oh wow, doesn't that "sound" like Paula Dean?? I am sorry! let's start over!! Hey Dearies! (much better) I have not forgotten about my blog, infact I have a couple started but I never seem to have the time to sit down and finish them. It is week two and these 18 hours of school have proved to be very demanding already. Trying to learn major time management between work, school and family/friends is fun!! I feel as if I need an assistant or clone of myself to keep everything going or to write a newsletter to my friends letting them know I am still alive! Currently I am sitting on my bed with my "study" playlist in the background and all of my school books surrounding me, staring at me and patiently waiting for my attention! It is Wednesday, which means the link up party to What I'm Loving Wednesday is ongoing and I am sitting here really wanting to join in, but I also know I "owe" you guys a "real" blog because ob...