Dear Pretty Girl

The following is a blog that has been on my heart and computer since earlier this year when I was people watching at a concert. (Yes, the Nelly concert.) In light of all of the posts where people have been challenged to post 5 pictures that they feel beautiful in. I have been challenged quite a few times, so here are my five, along with a little piece of my heart.

Dear Pretty Girl,
I see you.
I see you as you stare and take it all in.
I see you as you are --- never enough and always falling short.
I see you as you see them---the prettier and skinnier girls as they strut through the gazes of admirers.
I see you as you adjust your clothes---the shirt that now seems to accentuate every flaw; the shoes that now seem to be clumsy; and that frizzy hair that just won’t stay in place.
I see the insecurity and anxiety perspire as you dab them away, hoping no one saw.
I see you as you watch with lonely and longing eyes wishing for one admirer for rescue.
I see your smile fade with each step.
I see you as they overlook you.
I see you because I understand each ounce of emotion, insecurity, self-disgust, and jealousy that flashes across your face. I understand because I am you.
I have walked your shoes for many miles.
I have hated every skinny blonde who flirts her way into everyones’ eye. I have hated every fit brunette who laughs her way over me. I have been there and I see you.

Here’s what I have learned--- Your life is your life.
Be comfortable with who you are.
You are wonderfully and fearfully made by the Creator of the Universe. He has wrapped you in mystery and holds you in the palm of His hand. You are created in His image, not in some ideal society’s image.
You may not be what rap or country songs are made of; for you are more than that. You may not get the attention of the “hot guy,” but you have the attention of the King.
Life on the other side of insecurities is not always roses. It is a constant choice of owning the insecurities instead of them owning you.
Live your life.
You will never get these moments back. Your life doesn’t begin when….
Your life is now.

So, I beg of you to be true to yourself and live your life to the fullest! Feel beautiful just because you are you.

“You are my Beloved Child. I chose you before the foundation of the world, to walk with Me along paths designed uniquely for you. Concentrate on keeping in step with Me, instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you. If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment.”

Until next time Dearies, Be Beautiful!


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