Confession: I need you to man up!

Disclaimer: I really home you read this with my inflection and sarcastic ways.

I’ve come to a point in life where I desire a child more than a husband.

Men, I blame you for this.

See, I have a solid relationship with the Lord. I am in this different season of life and it is beautiful. There have been many heartbreaks, which have come with many beautiful lessons. He truly is the lover of my soul.

However, I am no stranger to the dating game. And I believe my two readers know this. Yes, I am a single, happy, independent, woman, who would like to have a partner in life and start a family. However, the dating scene is truly a game. And I don’t play by the rules, mainly because I’ve never seen the rule book. So, I am just myself and apparently, that’s “intimidating.” (Yeeeeah, I am confused about that, too.)

But you men, you have a perverted and twisted sense of dating these days.

You court and swoon and then just stop talking—I mean, maybe the final really is taking you a month to complete. Or you passed out from excitement? Or you died? But, let’s be real—you punked out. And if you as a person don’t have the decency to respect me as a person and be honest, then I don’t need you anywhere near my life.

You tell me I’m not hearing correctly from God because I won’t compromise on some very BIG issues---Hmmm, never judge my relationship with Him. He speaks to me beyond the limitation of Kevin Gates. And sometimes what He bids me to do sucks; but I know there’s a greater reward. And quite frankly, don’t you want someone who will NOT compromise on the very BIG issues and their personal convictions?

You claim to be a man after God’s heart, but you’re very concerned with my snuggling abilities or how I look in a swimsuit. Uhhh, no. “By their fruit you will recognize them (Matthew 7:16).”

And you know what, you’ll be back; yes, all of you because they always come back. I’m not being cocky, but I am just stating a fact of what I’ve known to be true. I mean, even the one questioning his sexuality and the cheater came back.

I’m not bitter. I’m just frustrated. And I’m tired. I’m tired of being the “queen of first dates.” It’s just a matter of fact that we—strong, independent, Christian, and apparently intimidating, women---are tired of your crap. We may be hormonal messes at times and not know what we want to eat, but we do know what we want in you and we won’t settle for less.

P.S. I know there are some decent ones out there. And I am in no way trying to pretend I have it all figured out. This has been my experience recently. That is all.


Unknown said…
Faith, if I didn't know any better unwound say that you were talking about me in part of this. Thanks for sharing your. As always, they are right on point. Love you!!!!

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