The Extremes “I finally got my epidural” “I’m leaving the ER. I’m having a miscarriage” Two texts I received back to back from two close friends. The shortest rollercoaster of emotions ever. And never have I been more aware of making sure I was on the correct feed with my responses. I remember the joy and the sorrow of both of the experiences. Life and death. Joy and sorrow. Hopeful and hopeless. Beginnings and endings. And all this…never forgetting that you would have been 2 this week. The Damn Dam Making the drive to Walmart A few last minute items to help us get through the next few days And the dam breaks And I can’t stop it…no matter how much I will it to…. The tears keep coming. I drove to my moms. I just needed a hug. And I voiced the thoughts…. “But what if its a freak thing? I can’t raise three kids by myself.” “My kids are triggered. Gracee literally said ‘I thought he was indestructible’.” “I know physically he will be okay...