Oh the Seasons.....

So here we are, 2010, who would have thought 10 years ago when people were getting there y2k gear ready that 10 years later here we would be chugging along, even in this global warming state. Did I mention its snowed in Louisiana TWICE in a month?!?! I can not believe 2009 is already gone, and if you think this is going to be one of those typical New Year’s posts, you may be right but you may not…you can decide AFTER you read it! [no pressure ;)] I told myself that this year I really was not going to write one. I was going to rebel…resist that temptation, if you will, however on the way to Dallas a particular song came on and I was moved. I am very familiar with this song and it is certainly NOT the first time I have heard it but maybe because it was New Year’s Day is why it struck such a thought process.

The lyrics are “525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life? How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of Love.” from the Broadway show RENT.

I then got to thinking about my 2009 and every season and the journeys that came with the 525,600 minutes that I lived through and how some did not get to see that 525,600th minute. While this year came with many high points, just like any year it came with its low moments, moments that I did not know that I would live through. God is sovereign and His grace and mercy are unfailing.

January brought me my 24th birthday and Celine Dion!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait to see her again by the way!!!
(yes she IS singing to me in this picture!!)

HAPPY 2 dozen!! (only 11 more days til 25!! YIKES!)

January 2009 also brought closure to a horrific fall 2008 and a new beginning.

February-March was life changing…..why? Oh because a friend introduced to me Jacob Black and Edward Cullen. Yes, I am a twilight-er now………please let’s have a moment of silence for my previous life.........................................................

April was full of bright colors and little sisters playing outside!!!!!

May was an outside concert of Paramore and No Doubt Oh and most importantly we learned that Asher truly bleeds purple and gold ;)

June and July were days full of volleyball, babies, sunshine and lazy pool days!!

August: Remember when I was in that movie!! (which by the way comes out in Feb, yes I will be having my own red carpet premiere!!)

August also brought me a trip to the swamp, where a new freedom was found along with brokenness.

September, we said GOODBYE SUMMER and HELLOOOOO to FALL!!!
Oh we also learned that Nathan is Beyonce’s choreographer; here he is showing us the Single Ladies Dance!!

I also learned to shoot a gun in September!! Scary, I know!

September was also the beginning of a season where I saw God move in ways that left me flat on my face crying “My God, My God! You are Amazing and I am so unworthy!” The months of September and October brought many long, emotional days at the bedside of my grandfather. Reminiscing of moments passed and getting to know some family like I never knew them. Our house became the place where people where fed and rested. My dad hardly ever left the side of his best friend, his daddy; and this is a picture I will never forget.

The month was full of tears and joy and forgiveness being played out right before my eyes. True forgiveness, in a God fashion. I watched my dad serve coffee to the very person that a few years ago we could not even utter this persons name without being sick. I saw my family hug on and cry with this person. I felt a love and a longing for this person. Like I said, “My God, My God! You are Amazing and I am unworthy!” I knew what forgiveness was but I saw forgiveness played out in a way, I never thought I would see. I saw bonds mended. I watched my dad and was given to tears at just how blessed I am to call him my dad. He is such a strong pillar with a true heart of gold bigger than Texas. He is a man of integrity in the highest regard. He deserves to much more than he gets daily and I will forever be indebted to him. He loves unconditionally and will do anything for his family. I am truly blessed with a magnificent daddy. I always knew this, but it was like my eyes were unveiled this October as I watched him.
October came and went and with it, took my grandfather home.

November and December were filled with bittersweet holidays with family. These two months were full of holiday parties and SNOW!!

December came to a close and we had a small get together at a friends house!!
Hannah,Greg and Me on NYE

Oh and this is me looking oh so special with my favorite SPARKLERS wishing YOU a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

2009 ended with the turn of the clock hand and looking back the year was definitely measured in love. I have a new level of love for my family and cherish the moments we spend together. I have a new love for life and each moment of the day, knowing that in an instant it can all be gone. My friends, I have the best and will lay my life down for them and my family. So yes, 2009 ended and has been measured and 2010 started off with a BANG, literally and figuratively. I made a fun last minute trip to Dallas and had a spectacular time!! I do have some blogworthy material coming your way on that, too! Already in 2010 I can see God moving. I can see Him rearranging people and jobs and things in my life. Yes, and its only day 4!! HAHA! If the rest of the year is anything like the first 4 days, I’m tightening my seatbelt because its sure gonna be a WILD ride! Until next time dearies!


Amanda Trisler said…
I forgot about some of your happenings in 2009. Thanks for the reminder! Has it only been less than a year that you were introduced to Twilight?! It seems like it's been much, much longer. HA! I always love your blog entries. It reminds me every time about how God works in our lives especially when we don't understand what he's doing.

Oh - the part about your Dad made me tear up. It's so easy to see that you have a wonderful relationship with your Dad.
Jodi said…
I love your way of looking at things. So uplifting. You always find the good in every bad situation. Your blogs help me to focus on the good. You definitely are a strong person and such an inspiration to me!!! XOXOXOX
Timberly said…
I notice the Wolfack picture in there, but no MENTION of the life-changing wolfpack?!?!? Tsk tsk, Tootsie. Tsk tsk.

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