Blogging Off The Weight & More

Nope, I have not forgotten, everyday when I crave that chocolate or that supersize meal... I think about this picture of the old cantankerous lady in a moo-moo and try my best to resist such temptation!! The scales are showing a loss of about 28 pounds (depending on the week of the month its 30, HA!!!!) While these results are slow I am reminded that just like everything else in life, this too is a process, filled with ups and downs. Do you ever just have those rare days that you feel skinny?? I know I do and those are the days that I REALLY try to avoid the mirrors! Let me have my delusional skinny day once a month! haha One day, it will no longer be a delusion and I will have a flat stomach but that day is not today! I have noticed a change in some clothes and how they fit, that is fun. Swimsuit season is basically upon us and my body sings "oh happy day" in a sarcastic tune when I think about this! However I did find a swimsuit that I feel pretty in and I think thats really all that matters, right?!?! HA!

On to other news....I went to see George Jones in concert last night. I have never really been a fan but I can appreciate his talent and the fact that he is 80 years old and still putting on a good show. Sure, maybe he got a little winded at one point but I can't blame him, he's in better shape than I SAD is that?!?! While listening to his songs, let me be the first to confess that all I wanted was a big glass of whiskey!!!! I'm so serious...the more I listened to him, the more I wanted some good ole country friends on my back porch, with George Jones blaring on a summer night and a fifth of whiskey!! Am I crazy for this craving!?!? HAHAHA!! One of my favorite moments was when ole George ended a song in Celine-like can see for yourself here:

tell me that's not Celine inspired!?!?! Speaking of Celine, I just love her!! Did I ever blog about when I saw her in concert?? Sad times if I didnt!!! However, I have pre-ordered her concert that I went to, on DVD and I am certain that I will be singing "ITS ALL COMING BACK, ITS ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW" when I get to watch it!!!
At work, I am officially official! I have my official business cards and my name on the door AND I have bonded with my boss over Twilight!! I count all of those as 3 major wins!! I have truly been blessed with a great job and people to work with!!
On the home front, that boy and I spent some time in nature together last weekend riding on his new toy.....

He loooooooves the camera like I loooooove nature. I actually don't mind nature, its the things that live in nature that I don't like!!!
I feel like I have learned and am learning alot since my last post, one thing for sure is that God DOES truly work in mysterious ways!!! Even by using the death of Dixie Carter in a round about way in my life! I am learning that relationships are work and I am learning about my faith and Lord on a whole new level. I am learning that I have NO CLUE what the future or even tomorrow or even the next hour holds, but thankfully I know the One who has it all in the palm of His Hand. I am daily reminding myself of the latter, when I feel crazy and like things are spinning out of control and I get on cleaning sprees because I can't control anything else...that He's got this.
And since I do not have any sweet babies of my own (yet) I will leave you with a few pictures of some sweet babes who are a delight in my life and have soothed my heart this week:


Jodi said…
OMG, I was a fan of Dixie Carter also!!! And I love me some George Jones. IT's a whole new world out there girl. Ha. And I can tell you are losing weight. And I haven't even seen you lately. Love you!
Amanda Trisler said…
Congrats on the weight loss! So so so proud of you for many things. You are such a Godly woman!
Shannon said…
i wanna play on the new toy?
TracyBlalock said…
I am so glad you love your job. And I'm proud of your weight loss, wish I had your attitude. And like you stated in your post, HE has it all in the palm of his hand. Just sit back, relax and enjoy. No worries!
Amanda T. said…
Hahaha! Great job with the weight loss...I'm tryin to do the same! ;-D

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