Cleaning House

Yesterday I was going through some old blogs and found the "Big girl in a big city" series. As I read them and totally forgot I wrote them I realized how much I enjoy blogging and how I have missed it!! I have been wanting to blog more but have felt less than inspired and not had anything really exciting to blog about . So with that said, today I will blog about the mundane....the "what's been going on with Faith" blog....the Fabulous not so Riveting Life of Faith:

With school out for the summer, my inner nerd has come alive and I have found I miss studying. I really don't know what's wrong with me but I get jealous of my sister when she has to study for her class hahaha! Maybe studying had become a new outlet or new hobby of mine. I am sure this fall when classes start back up, I will have hundreds of other things I would rather be doing than studying when indeed I should be studying. I have decided to change my major from elementary education to English/secondary education. While I love the young children I have realized I would rather teach secondary English. I am really only good with kids in playful setting as far as teaching them the fundamentals to all their education and life, I am not so sure I am up for that kind of pressure!!

Speaking of kids, I am a part time nanny this summer to two little boys! Just call me Nanny McFeFe!! We spend our days learning each other and reinforcing manners while taking different adventures like:
Burning a leaf with a magnifying glass:
Leaving Sweet Messages on the driveway!

Capturing Our Silly Faces

LOTS and LOTS of Swimming!!!


As some of you may know, the boyfriend and I broke up. While the details of the break will not be blasted on the Internet it should be noted that this break was for the best for both of us. It was time and we are both moving on. He may not have been "the one" but he was definitely a chapter in my life for a reason. I wish him all the best and happiness in the world. This quote about sums it up: "He was a gift. So what if it's not was long enough to matter. Long enough to give me hope and to make me better. To have been such a brief part of my life, he will remain a blessing and a friend. No regrets, no guarantees, but lots of hope and faith for us both and an abundant amount of love and happiness somewhere in the future."

Cenla DSA is a big part of my life now and I hope in the future it becomes an even bigger part! Cenla Down Syndrome Association or Cenla DSA is a local non profit organization that is taking baby steps to becoming a well established member of the nonprofit society. Birthed out of a love formone little boy named Asher, this organization is directly from the heart of God. Our mission is to support and connect families in Central Louisiana who are blessed with a child or other family member who has Down syndrome. We are advocates of inclusion rather than seperation because of an "extra chromosome".

So that's where I am and if I am completely honest I am not sure where "that" is but I wake up knowing that I am in the palm of the Hand that created today! Also, I feel like I should confess how much I missed blogging and hope to blog more! I want a blog series! Until next time dearies, I will leave you with a couple of joyful shots from the Cenla DSA Luau this past Saturday. (Be sure to check out our facebook page!)
I love these kids!

Have a Great Week!!


Amanda T said…
We have been missing your blogs too! And can't wait to read more. Asher is so darn cute! People do indeed come into your life for a reason and a season. Love you, Nanny McFeFe.
Lori B. said…
I love reading your blogs. Keep them coming!! Oh and I've decided that my kids should call you Nanny McFeFe, I hope you're ok with that :-)
TracyBlalock said…
I don't know what happened but I was "cleaning" out My Favorites and trying to organize my play stuff from my work stuff and POOF, your blog left, was gone could not be found anywhere along with some other things. Anyway, I'm happy to inform you that I found it and boy I was so glad that I didn't miss too much! I'm so proud of you and your new organization. What an awesome cause! And the boyfriend thing...I love how you summed it up and you are so right, there was a purpose he was in your life and how much you learned about not only him but yourself is what will make the next relationship even better! Miss you! and I hope "everything" else is going well!

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