Today was good.
January 11, 2013
If I wrote in a diary every day, today’s entry would read
something like this:
Today, January 11, 2013, was a day full extreme emotions. I
grieved, laughed, cried for joy and grief, but most of all, I lived. I saw life
ending, life beginning and life being. I saw life through the eyes of dirty
little boys and heard the laughter and mystery of a lioness’ roar. I saw grief
in the eyes of a 12 and 7 year old that I love dearly. I saw God’s merciful
hand in a single tear drop. I laughed til my head hurt over some kings and
queens and good food. I was “mama fefe” until my ovaries literally ache with
desire. I was welcomed by a goat of all things. Confessions flowed from tongues
and fell on open, prayerful hearts.
Tonight, as I reflect on this day, I am exhausted and
thankful that today I felt every emotion that I felt. I am thankful that today,
I lived. I wept for the memories mercifully taken from the future. I cackled at
the yesteryear’s ignorant bliss and today’s chapter. Time ticked away today; and
all I want to do is bottle today up and cherish it forever.
It’s interesting, the concept of time that is, ticking away
as my fingers move across the keyboard. I stop to think, as if I am stopping
time. I guess in a way, time is stopping for this entry; for no life is being
given to words when the dance on the keyboard pauses. In a sense I am bottling
today up forever.
Among the colorful display of emotions today held for me, I
felt them with an intense peace. A peace that allowed me to not be anxious; to live
life today; to appreciate the merciful time stopping for one, the beauty of
time beginning for others and the pure joy of seeing life through the eyes of
some amazing little boys; a peace that allowed me to grieve an adopted
grandparent and be thankful for his time; but, most of all a peace that brought
me a sense of contentment and hope. And that is a peace that I am thankful for
and want to bottle up.
Today was good.