As my days as summer nanny to my boys are quickly coming to an end, I want to leave you with this entry on my blog. Keeping two boys this summer has been a joy! They have taught me so much and made me heartily laugh! They have also helped rejuvenate the child within me and with that child, the child like faith I had allowed life to take away. I never LOST faith but I had a skeptical faith. The puns are ridiculous I know I will refrain, I promise. I believe with my entire being that this summer was God ordained. It was more than an answered prayer for their parents to keep them out of daycare; it was more than an answered prayer for me a summer job; it was actually an answered prayer that I did not know was prayed much less needed answering.
This summer has brought changes in my personal life. Humbling
experiences and heartbreak that has truly grown my faith more than I
ever dreamed. I can "look" you in the eye and tell you I am good. God
has truly held me in the palm of His hand and He has not forgotten
about me. He is for not against me. He loves me better yet He likes
me...He is fond of me and I am walking in a new light. When I tell you
these boys took care of me this summer, they did. Some days they were
nanny over me and did not even know it. Sure, we had our days; but God
was orchestrating it all. These boys have grown and impacted Miss Faith
and my faith.
Thank you boys!! I love you!
I just want to share one of the moments God used the children at play
to speak to me. They had gotten a new set of clay. We were at the
dining room table, I was mindlessly piddling with the clay for I was
more so amazed at the creativity that was flourishing in these boys!
While I can be creative, when it comes to clay it stops. Well, my Dyl
noticed I was not really playing with the clay in front of me; and like
my little man of perception that he is he said "Miss Faith, if you play
with it, the easier it is the mold. The more you push on it the softer
it gets." I just looked at him; for I knew the words he said were pure
and innocent and he had no clue what he just said to me. My spirit
stirred and I could the Smile from above and that still small voice
said "Same with you, my child. Sound familiar?"
I sat with this hard clay on the table because I really did not have
anything in mind to make. I never said anything about the clay being
really hard; but when Dyl spoke I KNEW that is what I needed to hear.
I sat and pushed and pushed and rolled and mashed the clay against the
table. Sometimes it crumbled and sometimes it went with my hand. I
could not help but be in awe of the parallel. Yes, we all know the old
song "Potter's Hand" and the verses about being made of clay, we know
it because we've heard it but do we KNOW it? Do we grasp it? When we
are the clay that crumbles in His hand when times are hard and WE are
hard? Do we?? Maybe I am in the boat alone here...
The more I mashed or rolled the clay, the softer the clay became; the
easier it became to mold. The best part was when the clay was super
soft, malleable...flexible however you want to say it, I could see my
fingerprints in it. It's just neat to think, that we are in His hands
and we mere clay in His hands. He is constantly molding us, that is if
we allow it. Maybe you are bitter, angry, hurt, tired or any other
feeling that would be valid here
and there's nothing wrong with you, its life. I've been there infact I
dare say if I am not still there on some days. It's a process. I am
mere clay in His hands and I hope that when people look at me, they
don't see me but I hope they see His fingerprints. That's my prayer.
Until next time dearies!