Marriage: My Humble Opinion
A friend, Zach Johnson, made a very good post
earlier last week which got me to thinking more on this topic. His post read:
"What if we spent just as much time petitioning for stricter anti-divorce
laws as we do anti-gay marriage laws?" He then added the hash tag of
"#protectmarriage" at the end.
Yes, marriage does need to be protected, but not necessarily from the gay community. (Shhh, I can hear your gasps from here!) Yes, I am a Christian and no this is not a divorce bashing rant nor is it a pro gay marriage rant; however, it is a rant on the sanctity of marriage. Marriage was created for man and woman, a holy union in the eyes of God. But I have to ask what is marriage today?? With mindset of "I don't like you today so I will file divorce and get a new husband or wife" can we really talk about the sanctity of marriage in our anti-gay marriage protests? Can we really talk about how disgusting it would be to have a same-sex union, recognized by the government, not the church, as a marriage? When we ourselves, heterosexual couples, both churched and unchurched have set a poor, poor example of what marriage is. Because then I have to ask, should we let atheists be married? What about Muslims? Or Buddhists? Or any other group of people who do not share the beliefs of the Christian church? We don’t talk about the sanctity of marriage when it comes to Hollywood’s 72 hour marriages and what a blasphemous act that is!!
Yes, marriage does need to be protected, but not necessarily from the gay community. (Shhh, I can hear your gasps from here!) Yes, I am a Christian and no this is not a divorce bashing rant nor is it a pro gay marriage rant; however, it is a rant on the sanctity of marriage. Marriage was created for man and woman, a holy union in the eyes of God. But I have to ask what is marriage today?? With mindset of "I don't like you today so I will file divorce and get a new husband or wife" can we really talk about the sanctity of marriage in our anti-gay marriage protests? Can we really talk about how disgusting it would be to have a same-sex union, recognized by the government, not the church, as a marriage? When we ourselves, heterosexual couples, both churched and unchurched have set a poor, poor example of what marriage is. Because then I have to ask, should we let atheists be married? What about Muslims? Or Buddhists? Or any other group of people who do not share the beliefs of the Christian church? We don’t talk about the sanctity of marriage when it comes to Hollywood’s 72 hour marriages and what a blasphemous act that is!!
Again, I find myself
sickened at the amount of religiosity in this current issue. We simply cannot
pick and choose when we want to use the Bible as standard, because right now,
the “anti-gay marriage” stance is laughable; but this is just my humble
Matthew 7:5 (The
Message)1-5 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their
faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit
has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face
and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say,
'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt?
It's this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a
holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer
off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.
(Disclaimer: I know
there are legitimate reasons for divorce.)