Big Girl in a Big City: Day Five/Night Six

Disclaimer: this post will probably have more actual pictures of me, for entertainment purposes, so PLEASE prepare your eyes!! ;)

This morning came so early after only four and a half hours of sleep. I stayed up late packing and double checking every nook and cranny of the hotel room to make sure I didn't forget anything. So, this morning I got up, got ready, finished packing and made two trips down to the car and checked out of the hotel. This made me realize that my dad has me spoiled. He always takes care of the heavy bags and checking out and all that responsible grown up stuff or there's usually someone there to just do that.(Hahaha) It was casual day today, meaning we could wear jeans.
Can YOU tell how heavy my eyes were this morning?? I can =)

I got to the office and Oh here's a picture of the building I have been in all week:

OK, so I got to the office and we took tests, thankfully I passed with two A's!! Yay Me!! Thanks for all you who said a prayer! After the tests some people who needed to catch up on some other courses did so for two hours while some of us got "free internet time" what did we do? Oh we ALL looked up New Moon stuff...yes, it was quite hilarious!! What else was hilarious was Mrs. Glenda's responses to the New Moon trailer. She didn't realize they were being verbalized out loud cause she had headphones on her ears. Then we set some of our new BFF's up on facebook so that we could officially be friends in real life! Because if its on facebook, then it MUST be official, right?!?! After lunch we practiced registering each other in the test system, however, we could not use real information. This fact I found a little disheartening because I was going to be registered as Faith Flynn, but since we couldn't have REAL information and ONE DAY that WILL be my last name I decided to go with Pink Dazzle who lives at 116 Sparkling Lane. Is it sad that THAT was the first thing that came to my mind? Pink, Dazzle and Sparkle...I think those words are ALWAYS in my subconscious just WAITING be be blurted out!
(if you are lost on the "faith flynn" worries..I will fill you in if you ask ;)

We all parted ways at 4pm today. I am not gonna lie it was kind of sad. You wouldn't believe how close you can get to a handful of women in five days, and I am not saying that we had heart to heart conversations but their company was delightful! I will miss them. They are fun and I wish them the best in their future endeavors, and I genuinely hope we do meet up again!!!
OK, so here I come Houston traffic!!!

Before I got to really heavy traffic I was able to get a picture of one of my favorite views: Looking up out of my sunroof at tall buildings with trees that didn't even reach half way up.

Traffic in Houston or any big city is well bumper to bumper barely moving. As you can see below, it took me a little over an hour to go 20 miles; which technically isn't THAT bad, I guess...

The time waiting in traffic passed fairly quickly, thankful to the new Carrie Underwood CD! (Have you heard it? What are you thoughts on it??) And with the sunset over Houston downtown in my rearview mirror, I started the looooooong trek home....

The drive home was uneventful, unless you count my 5 hour performance of Mariah, Carrie, Kelly, Whitney, Celine and Taylor songs uneventful. It is amazing that 5 hours of straight singing/performing will make you hoarse. I sang my little heart OUT and danced it out too!! It was fun and I am only sad there was no one there to witness such dramatic performances! I know, you are sad too!!! I took a few pictures...cause I was bored...Hannah does this on road trips and it seems to entertain her for HOURS upon not so much, give me the microphone back!!

I arrived back home in Pineville safe and sound. One of the first things my dad said to me was "Now, you can't go to bed until you blog about today and your drive home." I am not sure if he was more excited about seeing me after a week or reading this blog....either way it made me feel good! He is adorable and I love him!!

So, I guess this concludes this blog series of my first trip to a big city, alone. It was fun and definitely something I will remember as significant. I learned things about myself which I think is important in everyday life. I learned that I do truly love the big city. I would love to live in a big city for at least a year. I love meeting new people and trying new things.AND I learned that honestly, I am a little sad this "blog series" is over. I am glad to be back home but I just know that the routine of day in and day out will pick back up. Ah, such is life, right? Its been fun ending every day with you. To recap a seemingly "insignificant" day as a very much "significant" day. Any day can be significant, right? Nothing grand or dramatic has to happen but its your life...and you only get why not make every day significant? Isn't that what life is about? Enjoying the little things...making every moment count...

Thanks for taking allowing me to take you on this trip with me! I hope there are many more to come!
Until next time dearies, love love!


it has been great fun following you on this trip. I wish I had done this the many times I've travelled, but I have not and therefore have "lost" so many memories that were simple joyful moments in life.

laughing hard at hannah's tattoo pics now!
Anonymous said…
Glad to have you back home. I have really enjoyed the reading and the anticipation of waiting for the new one to be available. You don't have to wait for another trip for the next series. Like you said each and every day has significance. I'm am (your fan's are) waiting... Dad
So... what's next?! You can't get us all hooked and then expect us to go cold turkey. That's just cruel and unusual. And yes, we all know that pink, dazzle, and sparkle are bubbling beneath the surface at all times. :)That's one of the many reasons we love you!

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