Honey Boo Boo: Lessons Among the Storm
Yes, we are awaiting the arrival of now Tropical Strom Isaac while some are living with his aftermath as I write this. My motto: Just because things are not great at the moment does not mean we still can't have fun, especially if you still have power and watched Honey Boo Boo tonight! This week's episode was just jammed packed with some great lessons.So, being that at any moment power could be lost, let's not delay in this week's Lessons from Honey Boo Boo: 1. Honey Boo Boo is not ready for baby Kaitlyn (who is still in the oven) to come because baby Kaitlyn will smell like "poo" when she "poos"---What did you expect?? Roses?? Fresh linen??? 2. As an english major, I was happy to learn that "Bakin'" and "Bacon" are synonyms................ 3. Honey Boo Boo wants to have 1,000 kids or just 30 cause that's as far as she can count----Dear Lord, no!! Please, just no!! We can't handle it!! 4. Just what is a buttho...