Nope, I have not forgotten, everyday when I crave that chocolate or that supersize meal... I think about this picture of the old cantankerous lady in a moo-moo and try my best to resist such temptation!! The scales are showing a loss of about 28 pounds (depending on the week of the month its 30, HA!!!!) While these results are slow I am reminded that just like everything else in life, this too is a process, filled with ups and downs. Do you ever just have those rare days that you feel skinny?? I know I do and those are the days that I REALLY try to avoid the mirrors! Let me have my delusional skinny day once a month! haha One day, it will no longer be a delusion and I will have a flat stomach but that day is not today! I have noticed a change in some clothes and how they fit, that is fun. Swimsuit season is basically upon us and my body sings "oh happy day" in a sarcastic tune when I think about this! However I did find a swimsuit that I feel pretty in and I think thats reall...