Things I Learned From "Honey Boo Boo"

Tonight, I sat with my jaw on the floor for a solid hour, not able to turn the channel from the train wreck that is "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." I, like many of you, sat in amazement that these are real people, breathing real air, speaking some form of English that was foreign to me, real people; However, I believe we can all learn from each other. With that being said, I would like to share a few of the lessons that I learned from Honey Boo Boo tonight.

1. A new phrase: "All that vajiggle jaggle is not beautimous!" (spell check is having a hay day right now!)
Translation: Girls, wear clothes that fit.

2. Desperation has a smell that can be mixed with hairspray.

3. Talking with your belly is never attractive, no matter your age.

4. There are "Redneck Games" where people "Bob for Pig's Feet" (I just threw up...again) and "Mud Pit Belly Flop" is the highlight event

5. If one would like to lose weight, one must pass gas 12-15 times a day. (No Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers here, sticking to the "natural way")

6. The rebel flag should never,ever, under any circumstances, be worn!

7. Basic grammar is a lost cause for some.

8. "Etiquette classes are for stupid people"---HBB (I see her point, which is why her family is enrolled in them.)

9. The Georgia accent is way harder to understand than any of the accents you will find in Louisiana.

10. Here's a question?? Is it even legal to auction food?? Food, by the way, that I am 98% sure is marked with "not for resale"...(Do they live in District 12 of the "Hunger Games"???)

11. Honey Boo Boo might be "Miss 'Merica" one day----WHEW!!! At least she won't be "Miss America"

12. That my jaw can stay on the floor for a solid hour.

13. "You can't tell a pig not to be gay!!" (I agree!!)

And last but not least, however, quite possibly the most life changing is number 14: That my vajayjay looks like a biscuit.......hmmmm.....I really don't know what to do with this information but I do know I will never look at a sausage biscuit the same ;)

And for the record, no I do not believe all people in Georgia are represented by Honey Boo Boo and her family, I am from Louisiana and Lord knows all the shows out there from our state!!!

Well, those are your lessons from Honey Boo Boo from this week's episodes, Until Next Time Dearies!!!


Oh. Dear. Sweet. Jesus.
TracyBlalock said…
What the heck is Honey Boo Boo? Are you watching the Discovery Channel again?
Alice said…
Ok, I've never heard of Honey Boo Boo but thanks for the heads up so I'll know to change the channel if I see it come on.  Your list was quite entertaining but I feel that if I saw this first hand I would either be scared for life by the sights or lose total hope in mankind all together...or maybe both.  But either way, thanks for the morning laugh.

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